HomeMy WebLinkAbout0321 Minutes for March 21, 2023 Adams County Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes Tuesday,March 21,2023 at 9:30 am Courthouse,Adams County A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners was held with Chairman Lee Hogan presiding. Motion by Stromer, seconded by Johnson that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None The Pledge of Allegiance was performed. Chairman Hogan inquired if there were any conflicts of interest. No conflicts of interest were stated. Roll was taken, roll call members present, Michael Stromer—District 1, Glen Larsen—District 2, Lee Hogan—District 3 Harold Johnson—District 4,Tim Reams- District 5, Chuck Neumann—District 6,Joe Patterson—District 7. Public notice of this meeting, including the public hearing, has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting.The agenda was available to the board members and was kept continuously current and posted in the County Clerk's office,the main courthouse lobby and the Adams County website.The following is the agenda of items to be heard, no modifications were made to the agenda after 9:30 a.m.the business day prior to this meeting. Agenda for Meeting of Adams County Board of Commissioners County Board Room,Courthouse,2nd Floor s Date of Meeting,.March 21.2023 at 9:30 AM Chairman to request a motion that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners Announce location of Agenda&Open Meetings Law postings Reminder to turn off all cell phones Pledge of Allegiance Conflicts of Interest Roll call: Approval of consent agenda items: • Minutes from previous meeting • Claims • Monthly Report of Single Bank Pooled Collateral • Recognize disbursement of HRA funds from the Healthcare Fund(1275)for First Concord for deductible buydown • Miscellaneous Receipts • Officer Reports • Estimated Gross Payroll for pay period ending 3131/2023;426.61425 Receive Comments from the Public: 9:45 am—Public Hearing,to receive comments for or against a recommendation to the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission,to issue a class C liquor license to Southern Hill Golf Course. Action on a recommendation to the Nebraska Liquor Contol Commission regarding the issuance of a class C liquor license to Southern Hills Golf Course_ 10:00 am Board of Equalization—Virginia Long—Present for action.a motor vehicle tax exemption application from Head Start Child&Family Development Program,Inc 10:15—Elaine Menzel,Legal Council for NACO—Provide an update from NACO office Greg Schmidt—Present for possible approval,gravel purchase contracts with Deweese Sand and Gravel and Mid Nebraska Aggregate.(Bads cngiaally awarded on March 7.2023) David Bergin-Discussion and possible action to permit the Chairman of the Board to sign a document granting a twenty-year easement to Randy Kort over a small(1/4 acre)piece of property owned by Adams County. 10:45 Sharon Hueftle—Annual report from the South Central Economic Development District(SCEDD) Lee Hogan—Discussion and approval of sign with names for the Adams County Justice Center Discussion and action on allowing the chairman to sign a contract authorizing a third party fire inspection of the Adams County Justice Center 67IPage CLOSED SESSION;for the protection of the public interest,to discuss security matters and possible purchase of security equipment Possible action on Closed Session matters This agenda is subject to amending until 9:30 AM on the Monday preceding the Board meeting. Note to Citizens:Any agenda item may be moved dawn at any time at the discretion of the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners. Last updated an Mardi 20.2023 at 9.07 am For nos-Eaghsh spakia attendees trashing to arrange for a ups language or foreign language usepreper,please call or fax the County Attorneys office at Plum:402-461-7240 or Fax,402 461-7241 For kms-trailed u v a1s re mdic'doah watt other special needs call az fix the County Clot Office at Phone.402 461-7107,or rn-.402 461-7166 or Fax.402-461-7185 When regaesmg as mtepteas'or sensors for the unwed,please p[aade at least tasty-egh[(48)hoes advance note to allow name for milt ng the accaanmodanons. The Board rashes rhe nght to p unto aecese sessma If such semis is clearly necessary for the mammon of the pabllc meet or far the prevention of needless*try to the reputation radars individual. Chairman Hogan requested a motion on the consent agenda items that include: Minutes from the March 7, 2023 meeting, claims to be paid out of their respective accounts by the Adams County Clerk, an officer report from the Adams County Clerk's Office, a miscellaneous collections report submitted by the treasurer and the estimated payroll amount of$426, 614.25 for February 10, 2023-March 8, 2023 payable on March 31, 2023. Motion by Patterson, seconded by Stromer to approve all consent agenda items. Roll Call,Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Consent Agenda Item:Adams County Clerk Officer Report 000- 371 - 03 = Avg 3100 -371 - O5`� - .SSD ADAMS COUSIN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS HASTINGS,NE 60901 HEREWITH IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPORT OF THE FEES RECEIVED IN THE COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 2023 SHOWN BY 171E FEE BOOK IN SAID OFFICE. UCC:FILING 50.00 MISCELLANEOUS FEES 50.00 MARRIAGE LICENSE 5350.00 COPIES AND SEARCHES 5190.00 FILING FEES 50.00 OTHER $0.00 TOTAL FEES FEBRUARY 2023 5510.00 STY • SUBSCRI 1 AND XRN BEFOR+ME THE Sill DAY OF T". COUNTY CLERK 2031 ADAMS COUNTY CLERK 500 W..TA 6T. yry//�(J7� '�^'� IS`J.'69 AE 5890+ �!1l t.L¢ '..J ryas MR , Jar PA1 „ _ M boe 1171. t A, ..- AH izzg_lree'T _ _ ... .; -d03le 41049083831: 54 081a Consent Agenda Item: Misc. Collections from the Adams County Treasurer Amount 2290 3,399.19 Total: 3,421,19 Total Miscellaneous:s: 141 :x'95 48.87 Grand Total: 1.169,548_87 68IPage Chairman Hogan opened the meeting to receive comments from the public. Willis Hunt of Hastings spoke during public comment in favor of a proposed state road project that would place a round-about on J Street in Hastings, directing truck traffic east to the bypass road. Hunt requested county board support of the project. Greg Lay of rural Adams County spoke in opposition of proposed plan changes to the Trailblazer Pipeline by Tallgrass Energy. Currently the pipeline carries natural gas,the proposed change would change the use of the pipeline to carry carbon dioxide. Lay owns land in which the pipeline runs through. Lay provided a handout for the board. Jane Kleeb with Bold Nebraska also spoke in opposition of Tallgrass Energy running carbon dioxide though the pipeline. Kleeb also provided the board with a handout and stated she will be speaking with the Adams County Planning and Zoning director as a next step in preventing the change. At 9:45 am, Chairman Hogan requested a motion to open the public hearing to hear comments for or against submitting a recommendation to the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission for the issuance of a class C liquor license to Southern Hills Golf Course. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Stromer to open the public hearing. Public hearing opened at 9:45 am Chairman Hogan asked if anyone wished to speak for or against recommending the issuance of a class C liquor license to Southern Hills Golf Course. No one came forward to speak for or against the recommendation. With no comments made,Chairman Hogan requested a motion to close the public hearing. Motion by Patterson,seconded by Reams to close the public hear on the Southern Hills Golf Course liquor license recommendation. Public hearing closed at 9:46 am Motion by Patterson, seconded by Reams to submit a favorable recommendation for the issuance of a class C liquor license to Southern Hills Golf Course by the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission. Roll Call, Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None RECOMMENDATION(W THE NEBRASKA LIQUOR C'ONT'ROL commission _ Date Mailed from Commission Office: 12/21/2022 ',Ramona R.Thomas seek of Adams Court,, Nebraska (City,Village or()aunty) Nebraska,hereby tepee to the Nebraska t oquor Control Commission in ancordun:e with Revised Statutes of Nebraska, Chapter 53,Sec.134(7)the recommendation of and city,village or county,as the case may be relative to the application for• license under the provisions of the Nebraska Liquor Control Act as applied for by: 8NET5 Inc dba Southern Hilts Golf Course 3005 Southern Hills Dr ,Hastings /Adams County, 58901 Application for Class C -125442 45 days—2/10/2022 1. Notice of loci hearing was published in a legal newspaper in or of general circulation in city,village or county,one tame not less than 7 ourrpgA than 14 daysAgfpre time of hewing. Check nee Yes f• t No The Swum require that wick hearing shall be held not more than 45 days after the date of receipt of this notice front the Commission. 2. Local hailing was held not more that 45 elvitror receipt of notice from the Nebraska Liquor Control C.omeliesion. Cheek oat Yes a✓ No 3. Date of heW ng of Governing Body: March 21,2023 4. 'type or write the Motion as voted upon by the Governing Body.If additional Motions are made by the Governing Body,then use an additional page and follow none format. Motion to approve submitting a favorable recommendation for the issuance of a class C liquor license to Southern Hiils Golf Course by the Nebraska Liquor Control Commisison. t 5. Motion was made by:>.1p_ et fA0'l Seconded by: . /Y �pV .3.. , _ 6. Roll Call Vote:Ayes454r9 ver,1.Ag an ' m,Xe menu tP*ermrnt XayVenA}: 7. Chat one: The nation ped:_..VGj The motion failed: 5. lithe motion is for recommendation of denial of applicant,then list the reasons of the governing body upon which the motion was matte. (Attached additional page if aaeraawy) Orta R.Thomas DATE 3/21/2023 Clerk's name ��RA® 69 I Page Adams County Co-Highway Superintendent, Greg Schmidt, presented the board with gravel purchasing contracts from Deweese Sand and Gravel and Mid Nebraska Aggregate based on the bids awarded during the March 7, 2023 board meeting.Schmidt has reviewed the contracts and is recommending board approval. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Johnson to approve the contract between Adams County and Deweese Sand and Gravel. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT entered into by and between the County of Adams,Nebraska,a political subdivision of the State of Nebraska,hereinafter called"County",and Deweea Sand lad Gravel, hereinafter eased"Contractor". WITNESSETH:That the Contractor for and in consideration of the amounts noted on the Bid Blank and hereinafter set forth,being priced for placement and spreading on the roadway,payable as set forth In the Specifications of the bid documents,hereby agrees to perform In accordance with the specifications and special provisions therefore,and In the Project(s)location(s)designated does hereby agree to furnish to said County approximately 8,000euble yards of"Gravel for Surfacing"for Project 4 in Adam County,which includes Ayr,Hanover,Zero,and Little Blue Townships for use on such roads as the County Highway Superintendent of said County shall designate from time to time. AS"Gravel for Surfacing"furnished under this Contract shall conform to the Standard Specification of the Department of Roads of the State of Nebraska for highway construction purposes as set in the 1997 manual,Section 1033 and the gradation further specified within Category 1 Specifications,Article HI All"Mineral Aggregate for Armor Coat"furnished under this Contract shall conform to the Standard Specification of the Department of Roads of the State of Nebraska for Highway Coastraetioa purposes as set in the 1997 manual,Section 1033,Table 1033.06,"Mineral Aggregate for Armor Coat". The said Contractor agrees to furnish,and the County agrees to purchase from said Contractor, gravel for use in said Project,4 between Apr5 7,2023,and October 1,2023,upon the stated terms and conditions as found within the bid specifications and bid documents and here within: CATEGORY a Y1—Rand Surfacing Gravel for mein SE pelectee forAvr Townshin.11tauag/tTogpshlp.Zorn T io and Littleue approximately 5,000 cubic yards gravel for surfacing for the sem S19.75 per cubit yard, delivered F.O.B.to such points within said Townships as designated from time to time from the date of this Contract to October 1,2023,by the Highway Superintendent. It is farther agreed that payment by the County to the Contractor shall be made each month during the life of this contract for any month In which gravel is furnished.Payment shall be made upon claims approved and Initialed by the County Highway Superintendent mud allowed in the manner provided by law by the Board of Commissioners of said County. WITNESS the signature of the parties thb�j day of <- I/ ,2023. COUNTY OF czN ATTEST/ / 111 ty clerk CO pCrOR: fate:(�3 ,Vf 3_ By: t _ Title: 4e 5,d Pn PROPOSAL FOR FURNISHING GRAVEL At the Pit Location for Adams County AWARDED BIDDER: Deweese Sand and Gravel TO: The Adams County Board of Commissioners Adams County,Nebraska Per Article XI.Gravel Supply we propose to furnish 2,500 cubic yards road gravel per the gradation requirements as outlined in Article III and found in the County's Bid"SPECIFICATIONS FOR GRAVEL SURFACING". Said bid material is to be available for hauling from our pit location at 5588 Ensleman Road,Grand Island by trucks owned and operated by Adams County. (If multiple pit locations are bid,please attach a map showing the location for each pit site.) We bid and will provide gravel at the Pit Price of VOA per cubic yard. This price will be honored from the period of May 1,2023 through December 31,2023. Dated this J0 day o IA A. 2023. G fltlC. ✓Id Firm Name: 1410 Signature: Title: Address: "'t7 .'tear . , (It is understood that NO bid security I required for thio bid option as this bid security will be covered until the original Bid Security for the Mama County Bid for Surfacing Gravel.) 70IPage Motion by Neumann, seconded by Reams to approve the contract between Adams County and Mid Nebraska Aggregate. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT entered Into by and between the County of Adams,Nebraska,a political aubdivbion of the State of Nebraska,hereinafter called"County",and Mid Nebraska Aggregate Inc., hereinafter called"Contractor". WITNESSETII:That the Contractor for and In consideration of the amounts noted on the Bid Blank and hereinafter set forth,being priced for placement and spreading on the roadway,payable as set forth in the Specifications of the bid documents,hereby agrees to perform in accordance with the specifications and special provisions therefore,and in the Projects)location(s)designated does hereby agree to furnish to said County approximately 15,000 cubit yards of"Gravel for Surfacing" for Project(s)1,2,3 and S In Adams Comity,which includes Kenesaw,Verona,Wanda,Juniata, Highland,West Blue,Denver,Blaine,Cottonwood,Roseland,Logan,and Silverlake Townships for use on such roads as the County Highway Superintendent of said County shall designate from time to time. All"Gravel for Surfacing"furnished under this Contract shall conform to the Standard Specifications of the Department of Roads of the State of Nebraska for highway construction purposes as set In the 1997 manual,Section 1033 and the gradation further specified within Category 1 Speclllcations,Article III. All"Mineral Aggregate for Armor Coat^furnished under this Contract shall conform to the Standard Specifications of the Department of Roads of the State of Nebraska for Highway Construction purposes as set in the 5997 manual,Section 1033,Table 1033.06,"Mineral Aggregate for Armor Coat". The mid Contractor agrees to furnish,and the County agrees to purchase from said Contractor, gravel for use in said Projeet(s),1,2,3 and 5 between April 7,2023,and October I,2023,upon the stated terms and conditions as found within the bid specifications aid bid documents and here within: Prefect 01-Mineral Aemeak for Sa l/Ar®ur Coat CATEGORY#1—Road SurfacingGravel For we I.Adams County,appraaim.kly SS rabic yards ot•Mleanl Aagrepk for Armor tear foe the.en of s18.7Sper adds yard,delivered E O2.9.la the Adore.Cera y Shop funky located at Project#1 through Project#3—Delivery by Quadrant 415 Norm Adams craw Ave,Janata,NE.Sam axonal wan be demwed,ly so ORDERED by October 1,2023. For use in NE Protect#1 for Kenesaw Township.Verona Township,Wada Township pad Juniata It Is farther.treed that payment by the County tome contractor wan be made cash moo&dories Townshigg approximately 5,000 cubit yards gravel for surfacing for the sum 517.70 per cubic yard, the life of tisk soau.at for ray month In which gravel le Weldon.Payment DWI be made epos delivered F.O.B.to such points within said Townships as designated from time to time from the date claims approval sad held led by the(Sooty Highway SnpeAau dao sod allowed m the maser of this Contract to October 1,2023,by the Highway Superintendent. provided by law by the Beard of Comnwfeaera.f said C ly WITNESS the elanentre of me poet..[MIA day of A .2023. For use In NW Protect#2 for Highland Township,Weal Blue Township.Denver Township and Blaine Townahin.approximately 5,000 cubic yards gravel for surfacing for the sum 517.70 per cubic yard, mural'or A S,NEDRA-Nt:A delivered F.O.B.to such points within said Townships as designated from time to time from the date ATI Sr: of this Contract to October 1,2023,by the Highway Superintendent. lir tali i ii iiii--i , For use in SW Protect#3 for Cottonwood Township.Roseland Township,Leann Towashks and C. ty Clerk Siiverlake Towushia,approximately 5,000 cubit yards gravel for surfacing for the sum$18.00 per CONTRACTOR: Date: u3/17110/3 cubic yard,delivered F.O.B.to such points within said Townships as designated from time to time from the date of this Contract to October I,2023,by the Highway Superintendent. By: M+baa PROPOSAL FOR FURNISHING GRAVEL PROPOSAL TO FURNISH GRAVEL At the Pit Location for Adams County to the AWARDED YARD STOCKPILE AWARDED BIDDER: Mid Nebraska Aggregate found at the Adams County Highway Dept.Cubic yard TO: The Adams County Board of Commissioners 415 N.Adams Central Ave.,Juniata,NE Adams County,Nebraska Bidder: Mid Nebraska Aggregate Per Article XI.Gravel Supply we propose to furnish 2,500 cubic yards TO: The Adams County Board of Commissioners road gravel per the gradation requirements as outlined in Article III and Adams County,Nebraska found in the County's Bid"SPECIFICATIONS FOR GRAVEL We propose to furnish road greed as specified per the gradation in Article III SURFACING". Said bid material is to be available for hauling from our pit within the"Specifications for Gravel Surfacing".Said material h to be DELIVERED to the Adams County Shop Site at the address stated above and placed In the stockpile. location at Minden Pit-42500 Kilgore Rd.Gibbon or Alda Pit-7171 s.Alda There will be two(21 separate delivery periods for the"Yard Stockpile". Road Wood River by trucks owned and operated by Adams County. (If multiple pit locations are bid,please attach a map showing the location for 1500 cubit yards to be delivered from May 1,2023 through August 31,2023. each pit site.) 1,500 cubit yards to be delivered from September 1,2023 through December 31, 2023. We bid and will provide gravel at the Pit Price of 510.75 per cubic yard. Estimated amount to be delivered is 3.000 able yards at the delivered bid price of This price will be honored from the period of May 1,2023 through December 516.50 per cubic yard.This bid price will be for a period starling May 1,2023,and 31,2023. ending December31,2023. Dated this P day of two ,2023. Dated this 17 day of Maws ,2023. Firm Name: Mid.Nebrassa Aggregate l Finn Name: aw.s<nruta,tasnsats aid. Signature: J.f.0 Name: >mno.Rmbcn Title: rrsadent Title: Proud.: Address: azsom whtofe load Address: 42600 Kilgore Bead Gibbet 15 68040 Gibbon,NE NWNr (It Is understood that NO bid security is required for this bid option as this bid security (A ave percent(N:)bid security is required on this bid option Said warily by the awarded Bidder will will be covered until the original Bid Security for the Adams County Bid for Surfacing be held mw ase 4,900 cable yards are dentered OR tem the end of the period December 31.2021, Gravel.) whichever is sooner.) 71IPage PROPOSAL TO DELIVER GRAVEL to the Hwy 74 Stockpile Site AWARDED Located 1 mile east of Holstein,NE along the south side of Hwy 74 (see attached map) Company:Mid Nebraska Aggregate We propose to furnish road gravel as specified per the gradation within the "Gradation Specifications". Said material is to be DELIVERED to the Adams County stockpile site at the location stated above and placed In the stockpile. There will be two(2)separate delivery periods for the"Wanda Stockpile". 5,000 cubic yards to be delivered from May 1,2023 through August 31,2023. 5,000 cubic yards to be delivered from September 1,2023 through December 31, 2023. Estimated amount to be delivered is 10.000 cubic yards at the delivered bid price of $18.00 per cubic yard. This bid price will be for a period starting May 1,2023,and ending December 31,2023. Dated this 17 day of March ,2023. Firm Name: Md•Nebraska Aggregetetnc Name: Joshua Foilmer Title: President Address: 42500 Kilgore Road Gibbon,NE 68840 A five percent(5%)bid security Is required on this Proposal option.Said security by the awarded Company will be held until the 3,000 cubic yards are delivered OR until the end of the period,March I, 2023,whichever is sooner.) Deputy Attorney, David Bergin, presented the board with an easement agreement between Adams County and Adams County resident, Randy Kort. Motion by Patterson, seconded by Larsen to approve the easement agreement as presented by Deputy Attorney Bergin. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None EASEMENT FOR ACCESS TO REAL PROPERTY FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual cowman c contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged,ADAMS COUNTY,A Political Subdivision of the State of Nebraska, GRANTOR,hereby grants and conveys to RANDY KORT,GRANTEE,and the successors and assigns thereof,a twenty(20)year right-of-way and easement in,under,upon,about,over and through the real property described hereinafter ONE FOURTH(1/4)OF AN ACRE SITUATED ON THE NORTH EAST CORNER OF SECTION TWENTY-ONE(21),TOWNSHIP FIVE(5),RANGE ELEVEN(11)WEST OF THE SIXTH(66)P.M.,IN ADAMS COUNTY,STATE OF NEBRASKA. This easement shall commence upon the date upon which this easement is signed and shell continue for twenty(20)years thereafter. I FF !OGAN,C • • AN ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS STATE OF NEBRASKA COUNTY OF ADAMS I hereby certify that I know or have evidence that Lee Hogan is the person who appeared before rue,and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his free and voluntary act for the purposes stated in this agreement. Dated:March 21,2023. Notary Public swam SEAL: g-"ia : 4,vwtaso2s 72IPage Chairman Hogan started discussion on names to be placed on the Adams County Justice Center sign. Motion by Patterson,seconded by Reams to place the names of the current Adams County Board members along with the two former board members involved in the project [Scott Thomsen and Dale Curtis] Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Chairman Hogan stated that a third party fire inspection is required for the Adams County Justice Center. Bill Huey with Prochaska &Associates recommended hiring Thiele Geotech, Inc as they are the only company in the area that provides this service. Motion by Stromer, seconded by Patterson to approve the chairman signing the agreement with Thiele Geotech, Inc for a third party fire inspection of the Adams County Justice Center. Roll Call,Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None From:Bill H<bhuey@prochaska.us> Sent:Monday,March 20,2023 10:14 AM To:Ramona Thomas<rthomastadamscoantyne.gov> Cc:Lee Hogan(Ihogan@gtruc.net)<ihc)ant,:gtmc.net> Subject:Adams County J.C>:Proposal for 3rd Party Fire Stopping Inspections Ramona, Lee Hogan has requested that Prochaska&Associates forward the attached Proposal agreement to you so that it might be placed on the agenda for tomorrow's Board of Commissioners meeting. The proposal has already been accepted in principal,the only action remaining is for lee to sign and your office to register the document poor to returning a copy to Thiele Geotech,Inc. If you have any questions,please contact our office. Thank you, William R.Huey III,RA,NCARB ore Presteent PIIOCHASKA & ASSOCIATES Thiele Geotech Inc 13478 Chandler Road Omaha,Nebraska 68138-3716 402.556.2171 Fax 402.556.7831 www.thielegeotech.com March 20.2023 Mr.Lee Hogan Adams Co.Board Chair 500 West 4th Street Hastings,Nebraska 68901 RE: PROPOSAL FOR MATERIAL TESTING SERVICES ADAMS COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER—S.BALTIMORE AVE AND W.M STREET Dear Mr.Hogan: Enclosed is our proposal for material testing services on the referenced project. The accompanying proposal describes the testing services that will be provided,the applicable unit rates,and the contract terms. Please review this proposal and confirm your acceptance at your earliest convenience by returning a signed copy to our office. Thiele Geotech is an accredited laboratory as required by virtually all governing agencies and specifications. Thiele Geotech participates in the AASHTO re:source program and the Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory' (CCRL) program. Our laboratory accreditation covers numerous test methods for the analysis of soils,aggregates,concrete,masonry and asphalt testing. Thiele Geotech has nationwide approval (validation) by the Department of the Army Corps of Engineers to provide construction materials testing. We look forward to working with you on this project. If you have any questions,please call. Retfuly, , ' iele Ge'otedh,Inc. Erik J.Panowicz Senior Field Inspector Enclosures Rrl'ROt'OS:AUERIK 1,2023SES IINO PROPOSAL-HASTINGS JAIL[AKA GEOTECHNICAL ' MATERIAL ENVIRONMENTAL a ENGINEERING 73IPage Proposal for Material Testing Services Adams County Justice Center Hastings, Nebraska March 20,2023 Thiele Geotech,Inc. is pleased to submit our proposal for material testing services for the referenced project. The following sections detail services that may be provided. A listing of applicable unit rates is attached in Exhibit A and the contract terms are attached in Exhibit B. SCOPE OF SERVICES—MATERIALS TESTING Material testing on this project may consist of the following services: 1. IBC special inspections on firestopping material and installation 2. Engineering consultation,reports,and project management Test procedures, requirements, frequency, and locations will be as set forth in the plans and specifications or as directed by the Architect/Engineer or field representative. Testing will be conducted on an"on-call"basis. ESTIMATED COST&BILLING Material testing services will be billed at the unit rates listed in Exhibit A. Any tests not listed will be billed at our normal fee schedule rates in effect at the time of the test. Based on the number of tests in Exhibit A,the total cost for testing services is estimated at$45,794. This cost estimate is not intended as a not-to-exceed or lump-sum cost. The number of tests performed is highly dependent upon numerous factors beyond our control, including weather conditions, the contractor's schedule and performance, and the amount of discretionary testing requested. Consequently,the actual cost may be higher or lower than the estimated cost. We will bill only for the tests actually performed,and not on any lump sum or minimum cost basis. EXHIBITS Exhibit A-Unit Rate Schedule Exhibit B-General Con ions THIEL .EOTEC C. CLIENT: d s Coun By. By' �,` Da1e. 3/21/2023 Joshua Kankovsky, . Name' Lee Hogan-Adams County Board Chairman 13478 handler Road Address: 500 W 4th St; STE 109 Omaha,Nebraska 68138-3716 City,Slate' Hastings, NE 68901 402/556-2171 Fax 402/556-7831 E,na,I: ihogan@adamscountyne.gov T hi el e Geotech Inc Material Testing Proposal March 20,2023 Exhibit A COST ESTIMATE Hastings Jail Description Estimated Unit Estimated Quantity Rate Cost Pre-Inspection Meeting/Subbmittai review Technical Project Manager(/hr.) 3.0 182.00 546.00 Trip Charge-Zone 7(/trip) 1.0 340.00 340.00 Special Inspections Technical Project Manager(/hr.) 112.0 182.00 20,384.00 Engineering Technician(/hr.) 52.0 98.00 5,096.00 Trip Charge-Zone 7(/trip) 7.0 340.00 2,380.00 Per Diem(/man/day) 12.0 260.00 3,120.00 Miscellaneous Project Setup Fee 1.0 70.00 70.00 Technical Project Manager(/hr.) 12.0 182.00 2,184.00 Senior Engineer(/hr.) 23.0 248.00 5,704.00 Subtotal 39,824.00 Contingency discretionary tests,retests,and other tests not listed 15% 5,970.00 Total 45,794.00 74 I Page Material Testing Proposal March 20,2023 Exhibit B GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. SCOPE OF WORK: Thiele Geotech, Inc. (including its officers, under similar conditions. No other warranty,express or implied,is made or directors,employees and subconsultants,hereafter referred to as TG)shall intended by the proposal for services or by furnishing oral or written reports perform the services described in the contract and shall invoice the client of the findings made. The client recognizes that TG does not owe any for those services at the Fee Schedule rates. Any cost estimates stated In fiduciary responsibility to the client. The client further recognizes that this contract shall not be considered as firm figures unless specifically subsurface conditions may vary from those encountered at the location stated in this contract. If unexpected site conditions are discovered,the where borings,surveys,tests,or explorations are made by TO,and that the scope of services may change TG will provide additional services at the data,interpretations,and recommendations of TG are based solely upon contract Fee Schedule rates. the data available to TG. TG will be responsible for those data, interpretations,and recommendations,but shall not be responsible for the 2. ACCESS TO SITES,PERMITS,AND APPROVALS: The client shall interpretation by others of the information developed furnish TG with right-of-access to the site in order to conduct the planned exploration. Unless otherwise agreed, the client will also secure all 10.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: to recognition of the relative risks, necessary permits,approvals,licenses,and consents necessary to the rewards,and benefits to both the client and to TG.the risks have been performance of the services hereunder. While TG will take reasonable allocated such that the client agrees to limit TG's liability to the client and precautions to minimize damage to the property,it is understood by the all other parties claiming to have relied on TG's work provided through the client that,in the normal course of work,some damage may occur,the client to$50,000 or TG's total fee for services rendered on this project, restoration of which is not part of this agreement. whichever is greater. This limitation of liability is a business understanding between the parties voluntarily and knowingly entered into,and shall apply 3. UTILITIES: In the performance of its work,TO will take reasonable to all theories of recovery including.but not limited to,breach of contract, precautions to avoid damage or injury to subsurface utilities or structures. warranty,tort(including negligence),stncl or statutory liability,or any other This includes requesting locates of utility owned lines and services The cause of action except for willful misconduct or gross negligence. client agrees to hold TG harmless and indemnify TG for any claims. payments,or other liability, including attorney fees,incurred by TG for 11. CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES: Neither party, including their damage to any privately owned subsurface utilities or structures which are respective contractors or subconsultants,shall be liable to the other or shall not correctly identified to TG. make any claim for any incidental,indirect or consequential damages This mutual waiver of consequential damages shall include.but is not limited to 4. UNANTICIPATED HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: It shall be the duty of loss of use,loss of profit,loss of business,loss of income,loss of reputation, the client to advise TG of any known or suspected hazardous substances and any other consequential damages that either party may have incurred which are or may be related to the services provided;such hazardous from any cause of action including negligence,strict liability,breach of substances including but not limited to products,materials,or wastes which contract,and breach of strict or implied warranty. may exist on or near any premises upon which work is to be performed by TG. If TG observes or suspects the existence of hazardous materials 12.CLAIMS:Client agrees that any claim for damages filed against TG by during the course of providing services,TG may,at its option,suspend Client or any contractor or subcontractor hired directly or indirectly by Client further work on the project and notify client of the conditions. Services will will be filed solely against TG or its successors or assigns,and that no be resumed only after a renegotiation of scope of services and fees In the individual person shall be made personally liable for damages,in whole or event that such renegotiation cannot occur to the satisfaction of TO,TO in part.All claims by Client shall be deemed relinquished unless filed within may,at its option,terminate this contract. It is understood and agreed that one year after substantial completion of TG's services under this TG does not create,generate,or at any time take possession or ownership agreement. of hazardous materials as a result of its exploration services. 13.TERMINATION: This contract may be terminated by either party upon 5. REPORTS AND INVOICES: TG will furnish up to 3 copies of reports 7 days prior written notice. In the event of termination, TG shell be to the client.Additional copies will be provided at the expense of the client. compensated by client for all services performed up to and including the TG may submit invoices to the client monthly and upon completion of termination date and for the completion of such services and records as are services. Payment is due upon presentation of invoices and past due 30 necessary to place TG's files in order and/or protect its professional days from the invoice date. Client agrees to pay a finance charge on past reputation.If either party terminates this contract,these General Conditions due invoices of 1.25 percent per month,but not exceeding the maximum shall survive termination and shall remain enforceable between the parties. rate allowed by law. 14.DISPUTE RESOLUTION:In an effort to resolve any conflicts that arise 6. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: All reports.bonng logs,data,notes, during or following this project,the client and TG agree that all disputes calculations, estimates, and other documents prepared by TG as between them arising out of or related to this agreement shall be submitted instruments of service shall remain the property of TG. to nonbinding mediation unless the parties mutually agree otherwise The 7. SAMPLE DISPOSAL: Unless otherwise agreed,tests dimers client and TG also agree to include a similar mediation provision in all 9 pe or agreements with independent contractors and consultants thereby samples will be disposed immediately upon completion of the test. providing for mediation as the primary method for dispute resolution for all 8. CONFIDENTIALITY: TG will hold confidential all business or technical parties on the project. information obtained from the client or generated in the performance of 15.PRECEDENCE: These standards,terms.and conditions shall take services hereunder and identified in writing by the client as confidential.TG precedence over any inconsistent or contradictory language contained in will not disclose such information without the client's consent except to the any proposal,contract,purchase order,requisition,notice to proceed,or extent required for: 1)performance of services under this contract; 2) like document regarding TG's services. compliance with professional standards of conduct for preservation of public safety,health,and welfare,3)compliance with any court order or 16.ASSIGNMENT: Neither party under this contract may transfer or other governmental directive;and/or 4)protection of TG against claims or assign any rights under or interests in this contract without the prior written liabilities arising from performance of services under this contract. TG's consent of the other party. obligations hereunder shall not apply to information in the public domain or lawfully acquired on a non-confidential basis from others. TG's technical 17.PROVISIONS SEVERABLE: In the event that any of the provisions of and pricing information are to be considered confidential and proprietary, these General Conditions should be found to be unenforceable,it shall be and shall not be released or otherwise made available to any third party stricken and the remaining provisions shall be enforceable. without the express written consent of TG. 9. STANDARD OF CARE:Services performed by TG under this contract wilt be conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing Thiele G e o t e c h Inc At 10:00 am,a motion was made by Patterson, seconded by Johnson to meet as a Board of Equalization to review and take action on motor vehicle exemption applications. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Entered Board of Equalization at 10:00 am (see separate Board of Equalization minutes for 3/21/2023) At 10:01 am, a motion was made by Patterson, seconded by Stromer to exit Board of Equalization and resume regular session. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Regular session resumed at 10:01 am Chairman Hogan requested a motion to meet in closed session. A closed session being necessary for the protection of the public interest to discuss security procedures and security related purchases. Motion by Patterson,seconded by Stromer to meet in closed session. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Entered closed session at 10:02 am 75 I Page Motion by Neumann, seconded by Patterson to exit closed session and resume regular session. Roll Call, Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Regular session resumed at 10:16 am Only security issues were discussed in closed session and no action was taken while in closed session. Motion by Stromer, seconded by Reams to approve a contract with Safer Watch for security equipment. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Deputy Attorney Bergin did not provide a copy of the contract with Safer Watch for the agenda packet or public viewing folder but did provide a statement stating the bidding process being waived. ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY DEPUTIES David A Bergin DONNA FEGLER DAISS dberainQadamscountvne.¢ov 4\o ll Cassie L.Baldwin cbaldwi n(a,adamscountvne•aov // ,‘11.1t Adams County Courthouse,Room 143 Dale T.Callahaa � Fourth and Denver Streets dcatlahanOadamscountyne.Aov •,I P.O.Box 71 Justin C.McCully Has s,Nebraska 68902-0071 imceullv(a�adamscountvne.2ov t Shelby Rowan Telephone(402)461-7240 srowan(aladamscountvne.aov Fax(402)461-7241 VICTIM/WITNESS UNIT E-Mail Address:ddaiss(a,adamscountyne.gov Jacki Norris iIBins(l adamscountyne.aov Raquel Maar rmaar(aladamscountvne.gov March 21,2023 ; Adams County Board of Commissioners C/O Adams County Clerk RE:Waiver of Bidding Process Relating to Saferwatch Building Security System The Adams County Attorney's Office has discussed this matter with Ron Kucera and Commissioner Michael Stromer. Our office has been informed that the Saferwatch Building Security System is a custom designed,proprietary,web and hardware based panic button and building security system. The system is capable of operating on pc,notebook,cell phone,and installed stand alone hardware. The system also has the unique capability to also extend alert ability outside on facility grounds. Based upon the information received,the Adams County Attorney's Office is satisfied that the Saferwatch Security System meets the requirements of Neb.Rev.Stat.23-3109'(1)of being a unique and non-competitive product and the bidding process may be waived. David A.Bergin Deputy County Attorney Adams County The meeting adjourned by unanimous consent. COUNTY GENERAL BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH—ACCIDENT — COUNTY 2,759.42 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH—ACCIDENT — COUNTY 5,214 .26 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH—ACCIDENT — COUNTY 9, 014.79 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH—ACCIDENT — COUNTY 4, 365.04 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH—ACCIDENT — COUNTY 4, 587 .70 76IPage BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 2, 641.29 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 6, 535.70 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 917 .54 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 4, 296.72 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 3, 385. 98 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 4, 005.74 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 17, 434 .85 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 11,234 .73 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,VICTIMS ASSISTANCE PROGRA 1, 835.08 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 28, 335.59 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 917.54 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 1, 544 . 10 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 1,723.75 HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 251.72 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 418.00 ASSOCIATED STAFFING INC,REG CLERICAL 763.56 FAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 248.02 HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 1, 188 .01 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 357 . 92 PIP, FORMS PRINTING 2, 849.86 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 27.30 HOMETOWN LEASING,COPY MACH RENT 199.00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 69. 95 US BANK,MISCELLANEOUS 14 .20 SECRETARY OF STATE, SUPPLIES - VOTING 20.00 MIKE ALLEN,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 220.08 KAREN STRUSS,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 91.70 BELVA JUNKER,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 117. 90 HENRY WILSON,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 121.83 DAS STATE ACCOUNTING, DATA PROCESSING 41. 60 GUARANTEE ELECTRIC CO,ENGINEERING/TECHNICAL EQU 1, 629.21 US BANK, DATA PROCESSING 1, 013.51 US BANK,CAPITOL OUTLAY SOFTWARE 1, 686.00 US BANK,CELL PHONES 490.76 US BANK,TELEPHONE SERVICES 156.48 US BANK, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 64 . 63 ADAMS COUNTY CLERK OF DIST CRT, DISTRICT COURT COSTS 812 .00 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 116. 96 US BANK, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 50.00 BOCKSTADTER & GLEN LAW LLC,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 118.75 RUANN ROOT,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 118 .75 BEV PATITZ,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 118 .75 BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 203. 97 WALMART - CAPITAL ONE,COUNTY COURT COSTS 77 . 98 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 58. 95 DAS STATE ACCOUNTING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 26.00 FAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 3, 629. 66 EILEENS COLOSSAL COOKIES,COUNTY COURT COSTS 13.75 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 544 .98 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 582 .14 DEBRA BEIRIGER, JUROR FEES 35.00 GARY BERA, JUROR FEES 35.00 BRIAN COLLICOTT, JUROR FEES 35.00 JOHNNY DANIELS, JUROR FEES 45.48 CAITLYN DOWSE, JUROR FEES 35.00 COURTNEY DRAKE, JUROR FEES 35.00 SARAH ESCH, JUROR FEES 35.00 JOSHUA GRIESS, JUROR FEES 44 . 17 JEREMY HEMBERGER, JUROR FEES 54 . 65 CLAIRE HUPF, JUROR FEES 35.00 DAYVIE JAESCHKE, JUROR FEES 54 . 65 STEVEN JUDY, JUROR FEES 57.27 STACY KERR, JUROR FEES 35.00 JENNIFER KRINGS, JUROR FEES 35.00 ALLISON LANE, JUROR FEES 35.00 MARK NELSON, JUROR FEES 44 . 17 STACY NICKOLITE, JUROR FEES 35.00 WILLIAM OLIVER, JUROR FEES 35.00 ALEXANDER PALACIOS, JUROR FEES 35.00 SHARON PIRANIO, JUROR FEES 35.00 MELISSA SCHWABAUER, JUROR FEES 41.55 CHRISTOPHER SHADE, JUROR FEES 35.00 77IPage EUGENE SHAW, JUROR FEES 35.00 BRIAN SLANSKY, JUROR FEES 35.00 CARLENE SPRINGER, JUROR FEES 35.00 BRANT VODEHNAL, JUROR FEES 35.00 CHANDRA WHITE, JUROR FEES 35.00 CODY WILLIAMS, JUROR FEES 35.00 DEWAINE ZADE,JUROR FEES 35.00 VIRGIL KLEIN, JUROR FEES 209.17 US BANK, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 250.00 JOYCE HASSELBALCH, TRANSCRIPTS 40.00 ANDERSON KLEIN BREWSTER BRANDT,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 5, 939. 69 BOCKSTADTER & GLEN LAW LLC,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 555.00 MARSHA E FANGMEYER,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 380.00 JUSTIN M DAAKE,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 342 .00 GODING LAW LLC,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 1, 330.00 ZACHARY K GRAY,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 4, 943.20 LANGVARDT VALLE & JAMES PC,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 76.00 SKALKA & BAACK LAW FIRM,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 5,793.50 STEHLIK LAW FIRM PC LLO,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 1, 121.00 THOMAS S STEWART,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 854.50 SULLIVAN SHOEMAKER PC LLO,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 17, 660.50 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, SNOW MOVING EQUIPMENT 40.87 DUTTON LAINSON CO,COURTHOUSE BUILDING 29.44 GRACES LOCKSMITH SERVICES,COURTHOUSE BUILDING 1,275.00 HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES 11, 502 .58 MENARDS, PICKUPS 21.32 MENARDS,BLDG REPAIR-ANNEX/WALLACE 42.54 MENARDS, PICKUPS 95. 92 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORATION,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 3, 728 .78 SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT,UTILITIES 317 . 91 US BANK,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 231. 98 US BANK,TRAVEL EXPENSES 22.45 US BANK, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 66.83 911 CUSTOM, SAFETY EQUIPMENT 896.00 AXON ENTERPRISE INC, SAFETY EQUIPMENT 2, 348 . 64 BEYKE SIGNS,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 225.00 CITY OF HASTINGS, SHERIFF COSTS 10.50 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 313. 98 CONNER PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES ,MERIT COMMISSION EXPENSES 850.00 GALLS LLC, SHERIFF COSTS 71.84 HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 47 .35 JACKS UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT, SHERIFF COSTS 535.59 JERRY SPADY CADILLAC GMC INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 306.33 KENESAW MOTOR CO INC, EQUIPMENT - FUEL 806.48 MOCIC, DUES, SUBS,REGIST, TRAINING 100.00 STERICYCLE INC, SHERIFF COSTS 98 .41 WILLIAMS EXTERMINATING CO,MISCELLANEOUS 18.00 ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY,COURT RELATED COSTS 2 .00 ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEYS OFFICE ,NOTARY CHARGES 60.00 ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY,COURT RELATED COSTS 10.00 BUFFALO COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE ,COURT RELATED COSTS 43.83 BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 70.42 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 170.77 HALL COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS 33.07 HALL COUNTY SHERIFF, JUVENILE COURT COSTS 8.74 HALL COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS 19.37 HASTINGS TRIBUNE,TAX FORCLOSURE COST 146.35 PHYSICIANS LABORATORY PC,AUTOPSY COSTS 2, 100.00 SECRETARY OF STATE,COURT RELATED COSTS 40.00 SOFTWARE UNLIMITED, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 209.45 YORK COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS 8. 63 VERIZON WIRELESS,CELL PHONES 1, 671.05 ADAMS COUNTY JAIL/SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 1, 227 .21 ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 77 . 66 AUCA CHICAGO LOCKBOX, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 110. 65 BERTS PHARMACY,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 81.07 BOB BARKER COMPANY INC, PROVISIONS & CLOTHING 33. 99 BEYKE SIGNS,TRAVEL EXPENSES 80.00 CASH WA DISTRIBUTING,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 1, 687.71 CIVIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE INC, DUES, SUBS, REGIST, TRAINING 249. 95 CENTRAL DENTAL GROUP,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 489.00 DAWSON COUNTY SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 405.00 78 I Page ENCARTELE INC,MISCELLANEOUS 600.00 HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 237 .80 HASTINGS RADIOLOGY ASSOC PC,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 23.25 HOMETOWN LEASING, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 62. 62 JIM'S U-SAVE PHARMACY,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 42 .70 KEEFE SUPPLY COMPANY,COMMISSARY 485.10 KEITH' S DRIVE IN DRUG,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 156.24 KENESAW MOTOR CO INC,TRAVEL EXPENSES 86.55 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 352 .52 MORRILL COUNTY SHERIFF, BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 1, 495.00 PHELPS COUNTY SHERIFF,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 62.77 PROTEX CENTRAL INC, SAFETY EQUIPMENT 138 .94 US FOODS INC,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 1, 091.00 WILLIAMS EXTERMINATING CO,MISCELLANEOUS 28.00 WINDSTREAM,MISCELLANEOUS 87. 96 JULIE BUDNICK,MISCELLANEOUS 168 .00 CORNHUSKER STATE IND DCS ACCOU, FURNITURE/REMODELING 2, 140.00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 75.28 CULLIGAN OF KEARNEY,MISCELLANEOUS 16.00 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 833.59 MIDWEST CONNECT, POSTAL SERVICES 59. 98 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,MISCELLANEOUS 875.46 NEBRASKA TECH & TELECOM INC,TELEPHONE SERVICES 146.46 OFFICE DEPOT, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 63.49 PHELPS COUNTY TREASURER,TELEPHONE SERVICES 55.85 QUILL CORPORATION, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 852 .25 STAMPS & MORE, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 92.45 RON PUGHES,MISCELLANEOUS 60.00 IDEA BANK MARKETING, 2021 SHSP-PET GRANT 1, 500.00 US BANK, SP PROJ7-19SHSP-PET GRANT 493.77 US BANK, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 11. 99 US BANK, 2020 SHSP-PET GRANT 1, 033. 14 US BANK, POSTAL SERVICES 1.50 US BANK,TRAVEL EXPENSES 27 .75 ALLIED UNIVERSAL, SECURITY CONTRACTS BY 0TH 3, 084.52 US BANK, DUES, SUBS, REGIST,TRAINING 50.00 HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES, INSTITUTIONAL COSTS 5,263.00 FIVE POINTS BANK,MISCELLANEOUS 52.00 HERITAGE BANK, INTERNET SERVICE 25.00 MIDWEST CONNECT, POSTAL SERVICES 3, 000.00 WOODS & AITKEN LLP, SPECIAL ATTORNEY 3, 349.50 US BANK,NOTARY CHARGES 50.00 NEBRASKA DIST COURT CLKS ASSOC, DUES, SUBS,REGIST, TRAINING 75.00 ROAD - BRIDGE BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 31, 385 . 99 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP,RD EQ REP PARTS 144 .00 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, SUPPLIES - SHOP 36. 94 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP,RD EQ REP PARTS 267. 99 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, SUPPLIES - SHOP 138.57 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP,RD EQ REP PARTS 275.59 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, SUPPLIES - SHOP 52 . 64 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP,RD EQ REP PARTS 303. 64 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, SMALL TOOLS, ETC. 28. 99 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP,RD EQ REP PARTS 45.40 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, SUPPLIES - SHOP 64 .86 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP,RD EQ REP PARTS 137. 61 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, SUPPLIES - SHOP 25. 99 BAUER BUILT,MACH EQ TIRES & REP 421.78 BLACK HILLS ENERGY,HEATING FUELS 3, 475. 13 BLACKSTRAP INC,ROAD SALT 1, 446.87 CINTAS CORPORATION #449, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 33.13 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,TOWEL/CLEANING AGREEMENTS 86.40 COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 18, 060.00 COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,MACH EQ TIRES & REP 26.20 DELKEN PRESS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 155.25 FILTER CARE, SUPPLIES - SHOP 162 .35 HALL COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 2, 949.24 HASTINGS OUTDOOR POWER LLC,CHAIN SAW 71. 99 HASTINGS TRIBUNE,LEGAL ADS 86.09 HASTINGS UTILITIES,ELECTRICITY 566. 97 IDEAL ELECTRIC INC, SIGNALS & LIGHTING 103.50 JERRY SPADY CADILLAC GMC INC,RD EQ REP PARTS 5.83 791Page MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS,MATERIALS - GRAVEL & BORR 6, 286.27 MENARDS,BUILDING REPAIR 22 . 97 MIDWEST SERVICE & SALES CORP, SIGNS 830.00 MIDWEST SERVICE & SALES CORP,MATERIALS - LUMBER 22, 512.78 MIDWEST SERVICE & SALES CORP, SIGNS 150.00 NAPA AUTO PARTS, SUPPLIES - SHOP 73.20 NAPA AUTO PARTS, RD EQ REP PARTS 19.48 NAPA AUTO PARTS, SMALL TOOLS, ETC. 372. 99 NAPA AUTO PARTS,RD EQ REP PARTS 81. 45 OAK CREEK ENGINEERING,ENGINEERING 11, 087 .50 POWELL BROTHERS AG LLC,GRADING 7,853.70 POWER PLAN,RD EQ REP PARTS 1, 545.29 PTSR,MISCELLANEOUS 200.00 SIPP'S CLEANING SOLUTIONS, JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS 416.01 SANITARY OUTDOOR SERVICE INC, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 98.75 SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT,ELECTRICITY 695. 60 TITAN MACHINERY INC. ,RD EQ REP PARTS 294 .70 US BANK,MEDICAL/HOSPITAL 29.45 US BANK,MISCELLANEOUS 275.00 VERIZON CONNECT NWF INC,ENGINEERING/TECHNICAL EQU 210. 47 VILLAGE OF HOLSTEIN,WATER 21.79 VILLAGE OF HOLSTEIN, SEWER 12.50 VILLAGE OF KENESAW,WATER 18. 66 VILLAGE OF KENESAW, SEWER 20. 48 WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERVICE,GARBAGE 185.00 COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS COMPUTER HARDWARE INC,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 3, 007. 95 FLAGSHIP PUBLISHING INC, PROMOTION ADVERTISING 1,300.00 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 188 .45 US BANK, SUPPLIES-COPY 36. 98 US BANK, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 61. 68 US BANK, FURNITURE/REMODELING 314 .10 US BANK, INTERNET SERVICE 169. 97 US BANK, DUES,SUBS, REGIST, TRAINING 6.00 US BANK,UTILITIES 191. 96 VISITORS IMPROVEMENT FUND CRYSTAL LAKE RECREATIONAL AREA, SPECIAL PROJECT (VISITORS 12, 500.00 HASTINGS EAGLES CLUB #592, SPECIAL PROJECT (VISITORS 3, 000.00 HEALTH FUND BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 15, 968.37 COVID AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN DEERE & COMPANY,MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 14, 314.57 INHERITANCE TAX WEST GROUP PAYMENT CENTER,LAW LIBRARY 3,230.70 LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER MIDWEST STORAGE SOLUTIONS INC , FURNITURE/REMODELING 82, 647.09 ESCROW HOLDING FUND US BANK,MISCELLANEOUS 2,320.38 Lee Hogan Board Chairman Ramona R.Thomas Adams County Clerk 80IPage Adams County Board of Equalization Meeting Minutes Tuesday,March 21,2023 at 10:00 am Courthouse,Adams County A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Equalization was held with Chairman Lee Hogan presiding. The Board of Equalization meeting was held in conjunction with the regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners meeting on March 21, 2023. Board members present included: Michael Stromer—District 1, Glen Larsen—District 2, Lee Hogan— District 3 Harold Johnson—District 4,Tim Reams- District 5, Chuck Neumann—District 6,Joe Patterson —District 7. At 10:00 am, a motion was made by Patterson, seconded by Johnson to meet as a Board of Equalization to review and take action on motor vehicle exemption applications. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Entered Board of Equalization at 10:00 am Adams County Treasurer,Virginia Long, presented a motor vehicle exemption application from Head Start Child Development. Long has reviewed the application, confirms the entity meets the criteria for exemption and is requesting board approval. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Stromer to approve the motor vehicle exemption application from Head Start. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Ale with Your Application for ExemptionFORM County Reamer from Motor Vehicle Taxes by Qualifying Nonprofit Organizations , 457 meg •Read instructions on reverse aide. Name of Organization Tax Year Value of Moto•Whiolee Head Start Chifd&Family Development Program,Inc. 2023 $79,461 Name of Camarof Properly County Name State Where Incorporated Head Start Child&Family Development Program,Inc. Adams NE Swat or Other Mang Address Contact Name Phone Number 123 N.Marfan Rd Deb Ross 402-462-4187 �Y Slate Zip Code Emelt Addreee Hastings NE 68901 ajoyce@hshn.org Wes of Cementite OAgdoulturab and Horticultural Society ®Educational Orgentxaion 0 Religious orgamhadon >i aredleble Organization ❑Cemetery Organization Name Title of Officers Directors,or Partners Address,City,State,Zip Code Deb Roes Exeoutive Dlreator 123 N Mariam Rd.Hesthras.NE18901 Lucinda Glen Board President 123 N.Marian Rd,Hatdktos,NE 88901 Deacdption of the Motor Vehicles 'Attach en additional sheet,H necessary. Motor Vehicle Make Model Veer Body7ype Vehicle ID Number 0.1,oorfAagDate uisltion, If Nem'Piceinsed Chevrolet 2022 Bus 10800RBP9N1183494 02/10(2023 Motor Vehicle deserted above is used in the Waving exempt category((Vela mark the applicable boxes): Are Ins motor vehicles used exotusNaly 0 Agricultural and Hortimeturat SoolelyEducational I:Religious 0.mumble 0 Cemetery an Indicated?(see instructions) Give a detailed desalgon of the use of the motor vehicle: ®YES ONO To provide transportation to and from school. It No,glee psnnxx,tage of seept use Under pa/Minot law,Ideclare Met Ihaveveexamined tideex tle�onapploettonand,toeabeetofmyknowledgeendIs correct and complete, sign !steed me kat�^duly auttodred le elan the exemption a �* here>A red Signature n yrcbbtrZ/rayl Das«r/6 a3 For County Treasurer Recommendation XISbproval Comments: ['Denial ►�� Qot inty - 1 af°°.. 3I(433 811 Page At 10:01 am,a motion was made by Patterson, seconded by Stromer to exit Board of Equalization and resume regular session. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Regular session resumed at 10:01 am (see separate Board of Commissioner minutes for 3/21/2023) Lee Hogan Board Chairman Ramona R.Thomas Adams County Clerk 82 I Page