HomeMy WebLinkAbout0815 Minutes for August 15, 2023 Adams County Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes Tuesday,August 15,2023 at 9:30 am Courthouse,Adams County A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners was held with Chairman Lee Hogan presiding. Motion by Patterson, seconded by Johnson that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None The Pledge of Allegiance was performed. Chairman Hogan inquired if there were any conflicts of interest.Commissioner Reams stated he would be abstaining from voting during the Board of Equalization meeting regarding the tax list correction for parcel 010014174(Bates)as the property is owned by a family member. Roll was taken, roll call members present, Michael Stromer—District 1,Glen Larsen—District 2 Lee Hogan—District 3, Harold Johnson—District 4,Tim Reams- District 5,Chuck Neumann—District 6, Joe Patterson—District 7. Public notice of this meeting, including the public hearing, has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting.The agenda was available to the board members and was kept continuously current and posted in the County Clerk's office,the main courthouse lobby and the Adams County website.The following is the agenda of items to be heard, no modifications were made to the agenda after 9:30 a.m.the business day prior to this meeting. Agenda for Meeting �f Adams County Board of Commissioners County Board Room,Courthouse,2nd Floor s Date of Meeting,August 15,2023 at 9:30 A.M. Chairman to request a motion that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners Announce location of Agenda&Open Meetings Law postings Reminder to turn off all cell phones Pledge of Allegiance Conflicts of Interest Roll call: Approval of consent agenda items: • Minutes from previous meeting • Claims • Monthly Report of Single Bank Pooled Collateral • Recognize disbursement of HRA funds from the Healthcare Fund(1275)for First Concord for deductible buy • Miscellaneous Receipts • Officer Reports • Estimated Gross Payroll for pay period ending 8:'31 2023;$581,937.47 Receive Comments from the Public: 9:35 Shannon Landauer—Director of HEDC—Program update and budget assistance request 9:45 am—Rick Ingram&Brian McDonald—Present a funding request for a DAV transportation vehicle 10:00—Board of Equalization—Jackie Russell: Protest—Omitted Property—Parcel 010017092 J.Roger Coffman and Alton Jackson Tax List Correction: Patterson- 010008099 2023 Current Year Clerical Error Corrections: Blake—010000835 Rowan—010000834 Bates—010014174 Closed Session —appeal of denied homestead exemption Virginia Long—Present for action,Motor vehicle exemption applications From Midland Area Agency on Aging and Hastings College Judy Mignery - Present for approval,Planning and Zoning Case u23-08.1 Stahl Farms Subdivision in the NW Section 28-T7N-R1OW 10:10 PUBLIC HEARING—to hear comments for or against the issuance of a conditional use permit for a contractor storage yard in C-1 Village Development(Case X23-08.1 and#23-08:2) 259IPage Judy Jiiguery-Possible action on the proposed conditional use permit for a contractor storage yard in C-I Village Development Case 23-082 10:15 PUBLIC HEARING-Amendment to the Adams County Zoning Regulations for Data Center Uses and Definitions.(Case e23-08.3) Judy Miguery-Present for action,Resolution 2023-08-15.03,Amending Articles 2,4&8 to provide for regulations for data centers in Adams County;providing for the repeal of conflicting sections and providing for effective date Greg Schmidt-Discussion and possible action on an increase in the amount of ARPA funds obligated for the 82.0 St project Lee Rogan-Review and approve county office inventory hits§23-347 Ramona Thomas-Present for action.Resolution 2023-08-15.01,authorizing petty cash amounts for various countyoffices for the 2023 2024 fiscal year John Rust-Approval of revised sheriff fee list Amanda Bauer-Present for possible approval law enforcement agreements with area counties Budget Committee-Present for approval;Resolution 2023-08-1502,approving final levy allocations for political subdivisions in Adams County for Fiscal Year 2023.2024 David Bergin-Direct the Charman of the Board to sign Interlocal Agreement with Clay County for Law Enforcement Services Present for action.Resolution 2023-08-15.04,Statutory Public Defender Policy Board Discussion and possible action on declaring the position of Public Defender an appointed position and authorizing the advertisement for the the position. Michael Stromer--Present proposed contract with Allied United for discussion and possible action This agenda is subject to amending until 9:3@ Aho on the hloaday preceding the Board meeting. Note to Citizens:Any agenda item may be moved down at any time at the discretion of the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners. Last updated on August l4.123 at 011 sin Fcc soc-ExIshspeziciagxxodee mstmgw arrange tea opt largusre or foxing):language ate,*mall a his t eCompmer •Atta 't office arbors 4C_-161-'247 erFaF:402441-'_41 for heamg-i inthatab or individuals nth ahs spcialareds all et ewe*:oims• Cuk's Officeaphoce:422461=101•in TTY:472461-7166 orFax All-i6l-'tt5.IV=recast=mmteresee or tenures forte hearts nopaaei,please Reside at least forty-eigh i4li)tom adtrtxe ra=ce to allow tie kr halting the attansodmam. The Board mews fixation go into encore session if text sesuoc a dearly necessay fa the protector of the peptic taaest or fx the prerentne of reer3ese mjrry tote rho¢deo itatiahrdl Chairman Hogan requestee a motion on the consent agenda items including: minutes from the August 1, 2023 meeting,claims to be paid by the county clerk,and officer reports from the county clerk, register of deeds and clerk of the district court. Commissioner Stromer stated he had a claim that needed special consideration.Stromer presented a claim request payable to Stanard Appraisal Service for$27,550.00. Stromer made a motion to deny paying the claim until certain issues regarding Stanard's services can be addressed. Motion was seconded by Neumann. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None 0100 General FUND Date: August 15,2023 Claim Payable To:'6ta`ndard Appraisal Service Address To Send Payment To: 1908 16th Ave.Central C,ty,NE 88826 Mailing Address City,State Zip Vendor Code ei Invoice Number Description of items 1 services purchased Invoice Total Referee Hearings BOE 5 27.55000 ENE 0FN =MI SFO 1111.111.1111111 11111111.11111.11 Fund Function Expenditure Lim Amount 0 1 0 0 - 0 0 7 0 - 0 0 . 0 - 2 2 5 0 1 5 27.550.004 0 1 0 0 - 0 9 7 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 0 0 0l Accounting 0 0 - 0 - Information - - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 - 0 - For Use By Clerk's Office(Date Received) Grand Tot $ 27,550 W Claim Preparer_._Judy Mignery Department Head(if not aver) : ./ / fy \ J ---- County Commission—',' Approve' Deny Denying a claim must be voted on separately by the county board HECK NUMBEF ALL CLAIMS MUST BE FILED WITHIN 90 DAYS 260 Page ,, Invoice Stanard Date Invoice# _-- Appraisal Services Inc. 8/2/2023 3123 1908 16tH Ave.•Cenral City.NE 68826•13081 9465205 Bill To Adams County Assessor 300 N St Joseph Ste 204 Hastings NE 68901 Terms Project Net 30 Item Service Service Date Rate Hrs/DayslParcets Amount BOE Referee Hearings see attached sheets 27,550.00 27,550.00 Total $27,550.00 Interest at the rate of 1 1/2%per month will be charged on all accounts more than 30 days past due.Thank you for Payments/Credits $0.00 your business. Balance Due $27,550.00 June JAL Name 12 13 17 18 22 23 1 24 25 29 30 1 2 4 5 6 9 10 11 14 16 18 19 20 Total ' �.._.-_.. - .. -_ _._- ._ _.... • Darrel Coordinator 8 8 7 7 10 11 10 9 10.5; 7.5 6.5 3 ' 7.5 9.5 10 14 4 142.5 Chase Referee 8.5 4 8 8 6 4 8 7 7 11 4 7 4 86.5 Seth Referee 7 8 15. Luis Referee 11.5'4.5 16 • _.._. I Coordinator 142.50 hours x$115/hr =$16,387.50 Referee 117.50 hours x 95/hr=$11,162.50 1 Total $27,550 Motion by Stromer, seconded by Johnson to approve all remaining consent agenda items. Roll Call, Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Chairman Hogan inquired if there were any comments from the public. Ana Watkins of 3025 S Marian Road, spoke regarding a home her and her husband are building located at 3625 W Prairie Lake Road.Watkins stated their request to construct a driveway to their property has been denied by the Adams County Roads Department.The solution proposed by the roads department was to utilize an existing driveway to the property owned by Watkin's parents,Tom and Shawn Bramble. 261 IPage Watkins stated adding an additional driveway would not be any more unsafe than Bramble's existing driveway, and proposed a reduced speed at the intersection leading up to both driveways. Tom Bramble was also present and spoke in favor of the reduced speed request. Adams County Highway Co-superintendent, Greg Schmidt, spoke and stated the proposed driveway is too close to the intersection of Prairie Lake and Southern Hills Drive,and a traffic study must be done. Schmit confirmed that the county board would have power to change the speed limit on that road. Adams County Highway Co-superintendent, Greg Anderson, stated that Bramble's existing driveway is more visible than the Watkin's proposed driveway. Chairman Hogan stated that members of the roads committee will inspect the property and work with the roads department towards a solution. Rick Ingram with the local DAV chapter approached the board regarding possible funding of a transportation vehicle to be used to transport veteran's to medical appointments. Ingram is requesting $5.00 per veteran in the county for a total of$8500.00. Commissioner Neumann, inquired if other counties were contributing to the vehicle. Ingram stated they would be approaching other counties but have not received any commitments yet.The board requested Ingram get commitments from other counties as Adams County would be receptive to contribute at the same financial level of$5.00 per veteran, if other counties agree. Shannon Landauer with Hastings Economic Development Corporation (HEDC) provided the board with a program update and a budget request of$20,000.00. No action was taken on Landauer's request as all budget requests will be reviewed by the budget committee and a recommendation will be made to the full board. Motion by Patterson, seconded by Neumann,to meet as a Board of Equalization, in order to review and take action on an omitted property valuation protest,tax list corrections and motor vehicle exemption applications. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Entered Board of Equalization at 10:00 am. (see separate Board of Equalization minutes for 8/15/2023) Motion by Stromer,seconded by Patterson to exit Board of Equalization and resume regular session. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Regular session resumed at 10:27 am At 10:27 am,there was a motion by Stromer,seconded by Reams to open the public hearing to hear comments for or against the proposed issuance of a conditional use permit for a contractor storage yard and business in a C-1 Village Development District. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None The public hearing opened at 10:27 am. Adams County Planning and Zoning Director,Judy Mignery read the following into the record: ADAMS COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT Judy Mignery,Zoning Director 500 N.Denver Ave.,Hastings,NE 68901 Phone: 402-461-7174 Fax: 402-461-7177 Office Hours: Monday—Thursday,8:00—12:00 and 1:00—4:00 DATE: August 7,2023 TO: Adams County Planning Commission&County Board of Commissioners FROM: Zoning Staff—Judy Mignery,Director RE: Case#23-08.2—Conditional Use Permit for Contractors Storage Yard and Business in C-1 Village Development District; 2621Page Applicant: Taylor and Jared Critel and Scott Shamburg/Patriot Crane Owner: Taylor and Jared Critel Location: Lot 2 Huskerland Estates 2"d Subdivision and S22 acres of Wl/2NW1/4 W of RR except Huskerland Estates rd Subdivision in Section 5-T8N-R9W Zoned Use: C-1 Village Development Zoning Administrator's Comments: The applicant would like to have a Commercial Crane and Rigging Lay down yard. Fencing is planned for future for barrier to conceal area. No other initial construction is planned except signage. According to the Adams County Zoning regulations adopted August 2010,the C-1 Village Development District requires a Conditional Use Permit for Contractors Storage Yard. The above said property was rezoned in 2010 to C-1 Village Development. Commissioner's Comments: Conditions: Yard lighting directed away for residences,Privacy fence installed on the North side of property to conceal buildings and equipment. Landscape screen matching surroundings between residences and contractor property, Lot base large aggregate finished with surface gravel to prevent mud/dirt from collecting on roadway and minimize dust,Normal operation 7:00 am to 4:30 pm,emergency situations may require operating outside of normal hours,west driveway access for heavy equipment,weed control, Motion by: Allen Second by: Sidlo Commission's Decision: Commission's Vote: Approved Denied Aye 9 Nay 0 Absent 0 Abstain Chairman Hogan inquired if there was anyone wishing to speak regarding the proposed conditional use permit. Taylor Critel,the current owner of the property,spoke in favor of issuing the conditional use permit as there they have agreed to all conditions outlined by the Adams County Planning and Zoning Board. Juanita Bowerstock, a resident of Hansen, stated the road Patriot Crane would be using the road outside her home that is an unmaintained road. Bowerstock also stated she can see the lights and traffic out her window. Joyce Virgir of Hansen inquired about the width of the cranes being hauled down the road as she drives the local school bus and was concerned about meeting the trucks hauling cranes while driving the school bus. Kevin Feuguay from Patriot Crane confirmed they will comply with the conditions set by the Adams County Planning and Zoning Committee. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Patterson to close the public hearing for the issuance of a conditional use permit. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Public hearing closed at 10:53 am Motion by Reams, seconded by Neumann to approve the issuance of a conditional use permit for a contractor storage yard and business in the C-1 development district. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None At 10:55 am there was a motion by Neumann,seconded by Stromer to open the public hearing for case 23-08.3,to amend the Adams County Zoning Regulations to include data center criteria. Roll Call,Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Public hearing opened at 10:55 am Mignery read the following into the record: 263 I i age ADAMS COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT Judy Mignery,Zoning Director 500 N. Denver Ave.,Hastings,NE 68901 Phone: 402-461-7174 Fax: 402-461-7177 Office Hours: Monday—Thursday,8:00—12:00 and 1:00—4:00 DATE: August 7,2023 TO: Adams County Planning Commission&Board of Commissioners FROM: Zoning Staff—Judy Mignery,Director RE: Case#23-08.3—Amend the Adams County Zoning Regulations for Data Centers and provide definitions Zoning Administrator's Comments: Planning Commission feels it is important to review the Zoning Regulations of Adams County. Changes in technology have led the planning commission to make updates to the Zoning Regulations of Adams County for Data Centers. Mignery stated the Adams County Planning and Zoning Committee tabled action on the proposed amendments and is recommending the Adams County Board do the same. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Reams to close the public hearing and resume regular session. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Regular session resumed at 10:58 am Motion by Patterson, seconded by Johnson to table action on planning and zoning case 23-08.3. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Mignery presented the board with case 23-08.1; plans for the Stahl Farms Subdivision, and read the following into the record: ADAMS COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT Judy Mignery,Zoning Director 500 N.Denver Ave.,Hastings,NE 68901 Phone: 402-461-7174 Fax: 402-461-7177 Office Hours: Monday—Thursday,8:00—12:00 and 1:00—4:00 DATE: August 7,2023 TO: Adams County Planning Commission&Board of Commissioners FROM: Zoning Staff—Judy Mignery,Director RE: Case#23-08.1—Stahl Farms Subdivision a tract in the NW ''A Section 28-T7N-R1OW Applicant: Gaylen Stahl,7665 W Idlewilde Rd,Juniata Location:NW %Section 28-T7N-R1OW Zoned Use:R-2 Zoning Administrator's Comments: The applicant would like to subdivide a tract in the NW '/4 Section 28-T7N-R1OW that would contain 2.2 acres. The tract abuts Idlewilde Acres. There is an existing driveway off of Adams Central Avenue.The tract does not fall within the floodplain. All requirements of the existing County and Village Subdivision Regulations and the Zoning Regulations have been met. Mignery stated the plans for the Stahl Farms Subdivision has been approved by the planning and zoning committee and is now presenting the plans for county board approval. Motion by Patterson, seconded by Stromer to approve the plans for the Stahl Farms Subdivision. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Adams County Highway Co-Superintendent, Greg Schmidt, requested additional ARPA funds be allocated for the 82nd Street improvement project. 264 1Pdge Motion by Neumann, seconded by Patterson,to approve an additional $346,547.50 in ARPA funds towards the 82"d Street project. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Motion by Johnson, seconded by Stromer to approve 2023/2024 county office inventory lists. Roll Call, Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Motion by Patterson, seconded by Neumann to approve Resolution 2023-08-15.01 authorizing petty cash amounts for various offices. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Resolution: 2023-08-15.01 WHEREAS,there are some departments and offices in Adams County government that have the need for petty cash accounts,and; WHEREAS,it is required that these petty cash accounts be approved by the Adams County Board of Supervisors,let it be hereby RESOLVED,that the petty cash accounts be created and approved by the Adams County Board of Supervisors for the following departments and offices in the amounts stated: ADAMS COUNTY CLERK: Petty Cash Fund------------------ -------------- —$250.00 Witness Fee Account— — --------- $1000.00 Adams County Court Petty Cash Fund— -------------------- —$530.00 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF: Adams County Sheriff Revolving Account-- --- -$3,000.00 Adams County Sheriff Bond Account ----- ----------$60.00 Adams County Sheriff Distress Warrant Account —$25.00 Adams County Sheriff Fee Account --- -------$6,000.00 ADAMS COUNTY JAIL: Adams County Jail Phone Card Account---------------- $100.00 Adams County Jail Revolving Food Account-------------------------$4,500.00 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER: Petty Cash Fund(Shorts&Longs)--------- — — -- $100.00 ADAMS COUNTY ROAD DEPARTMENT: Petty Cash Fund — $200.00 ADAMS COUNTY WEED DEPARTMENT: Petty Cash Fund-------------------- --- $25.00 ADAMS COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT: Petty Cash Fund ------ ------------- $25.00 ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY: Petty Cash Fund---- —-- ---- ---- $2,000.00 ADAMS COUNTY ASSESSOR: Petty Cash Fund ------- --------------- —----$15.00 ADAMS COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS: Petty Cash Fund------------ — -------- Motion by: Seconded by: Approved this 15th day of August,2023 Chairman Date Attest County Clerk 2651 Page Adams County Sheriff,John Rust, presented the board with a revised list of fees charged by the sheriffs office. Rust is requesting board approval of the revised fees. Adams County Jail Fee Schedule 08/15/2023 House Arrest $15.00/day Laundry $5.00/load Prisoner Lodging $55.00/day Work Release $15.00/day Motion by Patterson, seconded by Reams to approve the sheriff fee list as presented by Sheriff Rust. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Adams County Clerk of the District Court,Amanda Bauer, presented the board with interlocal law enforcement agreements between Adams County and Harlan County and Adams County and Blaine County. Bauer has reviewed the agreements and is requesting board approval. Motion by Stromer,seconded by Patterson to approve the interlocal law enforcement agreements between Adams County and Harlan and Blaine Counties. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan, Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Deputy County Attorney David Bergin stated he also had an interlocal law enforcement agreement between Adams County and Clay County.This is the same agreements Bauer had presented however Clay County is new to the group of counties participating in the agreement,therefore he would like a separate motion on the agreement between Adams and Clay County. Motion by Stromer,seconded by Johnson to approve the interlocal law enforcement agreement between Adams and Clay Counties. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR COOPERATIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES BY AND AMONG THE COUNTY OF ADAMS AND THE COUNTY OF CLAY THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of 2023,by and between the County of Adams and the County or Clay,both being bodies politic and corporate and political subdivisions of the State of Nebraska,hereinafter referred to eo0ecnvely as the"Patties"and individually as a"party" WHEREAS,cacti county by and through its county attorney is responsible Int commencement and appearance at mental health brnud proceedings,when ne essary,for subjects believed to be mentally ill and dangerous as defined by the Nebraska Mental Health Commitment Act(hereinafter referred to as the Act)and whose legit residence is within said county;and WHEREAS,actions pursuant to the Act require each county by and through the Clerk of the District Court to issue all notices,appointments,warrants,subpoenas,or other process in conjunction with proceedings commenced pursuant to the Act and to file and preserve all papers connected with any inquest by the mental health board;and WHEREAS.each county is responsible for the coats associated with conducting a mental health board hearing pursuant to the Act,hncluding but not limited to the cost of convening the mental health board ensuring a record of the proceedings,and transporting subjects to inpatient facilities,as heeled,billowing commitment;and WHEREAS,each county is responsible for the costs associated with the appointment of counsel for any indigent person who is the subject of a petition under the Act and Independent evaluations by physicians or practicing psychologists of die subject's mental condition;and WI tEREAS,it is necessary for subjects who are placed in emergency protective custody pursuant it,the Act by law enforcement officers located in Clay County to be taken to an appropriate and available medical facility for evaluation as required by the Act;and WHEREAS,the petition to commence a case under the Act may be filed in any county of the judicial district where the subject is found,or in any county of the judicial district where die alleged helm,.of the subjea t occurred which constituted the basis for the allegation that the subject is a mentally if and dangerous person,or in any other county as ordered by district judge Mr giusl cause;and W IIEREAS,pursuant to Section 71-419 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes,expenses inemrod by Adams County,on acwunt of a mentally ill and dangerous person placed into emergency protective custody by a law enforcement agency of('lay County shall be the responsibility of Clay County;and 266IPag WHEREAS,pursuant to Section 83-351 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes,expenses incurred by Adams County,on account of a mentally ill and dangerous person whose legal settlement is in Clay shall be the responsibility of Clay County;and WHEREAS,if it is determined that a mental health board proceeding need he commenced,following evaluation of the subject by mental he lth professionals,and it is more efficient and cost effective for Clay County to enter into an agreement with Adams County for the commencement,filing,and conducting of hearings in Adams County for cases arising under the Act:and WHEREAS,subjects of mental health hoard proceedings must be escorted to hearings before the Mental Health Board and then,when applicable,transported to places of commitment as ordered by the Mental Health Board,and WHEREAS,the Interlocal Cooperation Act(Nth.Rev.Stat.§13-801,et.seq.)provides that units of local government of the State of Nebraska and Nebraska State Agencies may enter into agreemems for the joint and cooperative exercise of powers,privileges,or authority capable of being exercised by either agency;and WHEREAS,Neb.Rev.Stat §13-801 provides that any one or more public agencies may contract with any one or more public agencies to perform any governmental service,activity.or other undertaking which each public agency entering into the contract is authorized by law to perform;and WI IEREAS,Adams County and Clay County are public agencies as defused by Neb.Rev. Stat.§13-801; NOW,THEREFORE,the Parties mutually covenant and agree as follows: . Purpose.The purpose of this agreement shall be to provide generally for payment of fires and expenses associated with the proceedings commenced,proceedings filed,and hearings convened wherein the subject of such action has heen placed in emergency protective custody by law enforcement in Clay County specifically as follows: (A) The commencement of mental health board proceedings by the filing of a petition as provided in the Act wherein the subject of such action has been place(in emergency protective custody by law enforcement in Clay County,the maintenance of files for each subject,and the appearance before the Mental health Board of the enth Judicial District,each of which shall be carried out under the terms of this agreement by the Adams County Attorney or any duly qualified and appointed Deputy County Attorney;and (B) The issuing of all notices,appointments,warrants,subpoenas,or other process in conjunction with proceedings commenced pursuant to the Act,and the tiling and preservation of all papers connected with any inquest by the mental health hoard shall he carried out under the terms of this agreement by the Clerk of the District Court of Adams County wherein the subject of such action has been placed in emergency protective custody by law enforcement in Clay County;and (C) The representation of indigent persons who are the subject of proceedings commenced pursuant to the Act,and who have been placed in emergency protective custody by law enforcement in Clay County,shall be carried out under the terms of this agreement by the Adams County Public Defender,an Adams County Deputy Public Defender,or any person duly qualified and appointed by the Adams County Public Defender.except in those cases in which the Public Defender's Office has a conflict of interest. If such a conflict does exist,a qualified and competent attorney will be appointed to represent said indigent person;and (D) The cost associated with convening the mental health board and ensuring a rcmrd of the proceedings shall he paid by Clay County pursuant to the terms of this agreement. 2. Term.'Ibis agreement shall commence ,2023,and shall renew annually thereafter on January I of each year,unless sixty(60)days prior notice is provided by any Party to withdraw from this agreement. 3 Fees.Clay County agrees to pay Adams County the following amounts for each case commenced by the Admits County Attorney's Office wherein the sub)uvl of said proceeding has been placed in emergency protective custody by law enforcement in Clay County. COUNTY ATTORNEY: Commencement of a Mental Health Hoard Case by the filing of a petition and preparation tin a hearing before the board. $75.00 per Case Appearance by County Attorney at MB hearing or herrings $115.00 per hour Case trot commenced(EPC dropped) $0.00 per cast CLERK OFTHE DISIRICi COURT. Set up and maintain file,issue necessary paperwork and ensure that a record of the proceedings is kept $50.00 per case 267 I P g e MENTAL HEALTH BOARD: Cost of the board comprised of three members for each hearing $115.00 per hour per member PUBLIC DEFENDER'S OFFICE: Representation of indigent persons on • cases commenced pursuant to a petition which has been filed including preparation for a hearing,or the cost of appointed attorneys in the case of a conflict of the Public Defender's Office $75.00 per case Representation of indigent persons on cases commenced at any hearing or hearings or the cost of appointed attorneys in the case of a conflict of the Public Defender's Office 5115.00 per hour 4. Billing statements. Billing statements to Clay County will be submitted by the Clerk of the District Court of Adams County on behalf of Adams County to: Clay County Clerk of the District Court III West Fairfield Street Clay Center,Ni;68933 5. Method of Payment. Clay County agrees to remit payment to the Clerk of the District Court of Adams County at the following address within thirty(30)days of receipt of the billing statement: Clerk of the District Court of Adams County Adams County Courthouse P.O.Box 9 Hastings,NE 68902-0009 6. Expenses. Adams County agrees to provide personnel,office supplies,and telephone service as typically required for the commencement of these type of cases and accordingly for conducting hearings. Attorneys of the Adams County Attorney's Office and the Admits County Public Defender's Office are qualified by education,training,and experience to undertake the representation of such parties in a timely and workmanlike fashion and are licensed to practice law in the State of Nebraska. Transportation of persons in protective custody to and from hearings,to and from the evaluation site,and to appropriate treatment facilities shall be the responsibility of Clay County. Costs or expenses incurred by law enforcement from Clay County in performing transportation duties or in testifying before the mental health board will be the responsibility of Clay County. Should it become necessary for the Adapts County Attorney or Adams County Public Defender to incur expenses for expert fires or other needs not customary for these types of cases,the Adams County Attorney or Adams County Public Defender will notify the County Clerk and County Attorney of Clay County for prior approval of said expenses. Due to the limited time frame by which a hearing before the mental health hoard must be conducted,Clay County agrees to provide direction within forty-eight(48)hours of the request;failure to act on said request within this time period will be deemed an approval of said request Expenses of this nature which are incurred but for which prior approval has not been obtained or requested as set forth herein will not be the responsibility of Clay County. Should the subject or the subject's counsel desire an independent professional evaluation pursuant to Neb.Rev.Stat.§71.949,the costs associated with said evaluation shall be the responsibility of Clay County. The costs,reasonable fees,and expenses associated with said independent evaluation shall be fixed as provided by Nebraska law. 7, Suspension and Termination of this Agreement.This agreement and any services provided for herein may be suspended or terminated by either Party for noncompliance by the other Party of any terms or conditions contained herein. Written notice of such suspension or termination shall be given to the persons set forth in paragraphs 4 and 5 listed above by certified mail and shall be effective upon receipt of said notice by the non- terminating Party. Any amounts due and owing to Adams County as of the date of suspension or termination shall be due and payable within ten(10)days of the effective date of suspension or termination of this agreement. 8. Withdrawal. Any Party may withdraw born this agreement at any time,with or without cause,upon providing to the other Party a written notice of such withdrawal given not less than sixty(60)days prior to the effective date of the withdrawal. Such notice shall be given to the persons set forth in paragraphs 4 and 5. 9. Limitations. This agreement applies only to services provided by the Adams County Attorney's Office,Adams County District Court,and the Adams County Public Defender's Office as set forth herein and for individuals placed in emergency protective custody by law enforcement in Clay County for evaluation as provided by Nebraska law. This agreement does not bind or imply the rendering of services by any offices outside the scope of tins agreement. 10. Liability. It is agreed that in the course of the performance of this Contract by the stated officials or Adams County,such of iicials or their duly appointed and qualified designee shall he acting as an agent of Clay County. I I. Modification. This agreement may be modified by written agreement of the parties. 268 I Page Executed this day ofAld1(3 ,2023. Executed this day of ,2023. County of Clay by County of Adams by Chairm. Chairman Clay County Boar Supervisors Adams County Board of Commissioners ATTEST: ATTEST: " o Clay County Clerk Adams County Clerk Budget preparer,Judy Mignery, stated the agenda item to approve levy allocations for political subdivisions can not be presented for action as the property valuation for the county has not been set yet. Mignery stated a special meeting would be needed to pass the levy allocation for subdivisions as the next regular board meeting would be too late to take action. Mignery suggested August 22, 2023 at 9:30 am to review this item.Clerk Thomas will post as an emergency meeting on the website and by posting as there may not be time to publish in the Hastings Tribune. Deputy County Attorney David Bergin, presented the board with Resolution 2023-08-15.04; creating a policy board for the hiring of an Adams County Public Defender. Motion by Patterson,seconded by Stromer to approve resolution 2023-08-15.04 as presented by Bergin. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO CREATE A PUBLIC DEFENDER POLICY BOARD PURSUANT TO Neb.Rev.Stat.23-3405 Adams County Board of Commissioners'Resolution No.2023-08-15.04 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA that: WHEREAS,the Adams County Board of Commissioners,after following statutory procedure,has been unable to fill the vacated elected office of Public Defender due to lack of applicants;and WHEREAS,the Adams County Board of Commissioners intends to convert the Office of the Public Defender to an appointed office pursuant to Neb.Rev.Stat.23-3401(1): THEREFORE,the Adams County Board of Commissioners hereby creates a Public Defender Policy Board pursuant to Neb.Rev.Stat.23-3405.The Public Defender Policy Board shall receive applications for the appointed position of Public Defender at the time determined by the Adams County Board of Commissioners;screen the applicants for the position of Public Defender;forward a list of names of qualified applicants for the position of Public Defender to the Adams County Board of Commissioners which shall appoint the Public Defender from the list of qualified candidates;and recommend compensation for the appointed Public Defender and perform other duties pursuant to statute. The Adams County Board of Commissioners hereby appoints the following members to the Public Defender Policy Board: Stephen R.Illingworth Practicing Attorney Sam Zeleski Practicing Attorney Dtiright Split Lay Person 269 ' Page Adopted this 15th day of August,2023,at Hastings,Nebraska,by the Adams County Board of Commissioners, Lee Hogan,Chairman ATTESTED by Ramona Thomas,County Clerk Bergin also presented the board with Resolution 2023-08-15.05,to declare the Adams County Public Defender as an appointed position. Motion by Patterson, seconded by Johnson to approve Resolution 2025-08-15.05 as presented by Bergin. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO DECLARE THAT THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC DEFENDER SHALL BE AN APPOINTED POSITION PURSUANT TO Neb. Rev.Stat.23-3404 Adams County Board of Commissioners' Resolution No. 2023-08-15.05 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA that: WHEREAS,the Adams County Board of Commissioners,after following statutory procedure, has been unable to fill the vacated elected office of Public Defender due to lack of applicants; and WHEREAS,the Adams County Board of Commissioners hereby finds that it is essential to maintain the Office of the Public Defender to assure that criminal defendants who cannot afford an attorney and subjects who appear before the Mental Health Board shall receive adequate legal representation pursuant to the United States Constitution; THEREFORE,the Adams County Board of Commissioners hereby declares that, pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat.23-3404,the Office of the Public Defender shall henceforth no longer be an elected position but shall be a position appointed by the Adams County Board of Commissioners. When a person is appointed to the position of Public Defender by the Adams County Board of Commissioners,the appointee shall enter into a contract as required by statute and, in addition to other contractual conditions,the appointee shall agree to be a regular full-time employee of Adams County and shall receive all benefits which are afforded to other regular full-time employees of Adams County. The Adams County Clerk shall, as soon as possible, proceed to advertise the position of appointed Public Defender and upon the closing date of such advertisement shall forward all applications received to the Public Defender Policy Board for processing. Adopted this 15th day of August,2023, at Hastings, Nebraska, by the Adams County Board of Commissioners, Lee Hogan, Chairman ATTESTED by Ramona Thomas,County Clerk 270IPage Commissioner Stromer presented the revised contract with Allied Universal for security services in the main courthouse building. Stomer has reviewed the contract and is requesting board approval. Motion by Stromer, seconded by Reams to approve the contract with Allied Universal for security services. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None <A:.WiEDUNIVERSAC MASTER SECURITY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT t1,IJ.ILIAL NAME OF SECl/IUTY PROVIDER CAOied thnwnal").Universal Pancakes Sonic,LP dr11,Allied 0,0,0000 Security Swvsuo, for self tad on behalf of 0s wholly-owned subWrrvw and afllwa wfii.b nay mnvsde service bomueYr within 00010states f1100 1J?OA1.NAME Of CTJINT(Y'hso'):Athens County Courthouse By Apey below by their duly authorised temeeenUlfves,(lien and Allied Uni01un1 ague to ho ap➢y boats to s0,:Agreement,(hewed Tatem lig and Exhibits attached hasty,which fortea biting anw d en4rahk pmman t of Ihit Agsut as of the day alie d year written beton ("(aaencYmm Dam"), CJENZ.AdgLD.S.41ARv(',owt0ssuaa_ UNIVERSAL.PR07110,il)N SERVICE,Ii'inn ABM..Universal Security Services bear Name.Sunk Rhoads • DM. 'f itle Branch Munger Address for Noreen. Address for Notice:11414 Witt Caner RD Susan 100 Omaha NE log 144 F.0 GENERAI.TERMS AND CONDITIONS ale tam of Mu Agnsamnt Nell be fora period 0f than(7)was beginning..o omens sr I.2023_111000mmtensent late")("Initial Term",This Agcementwsll nun,nicmlly rasfmue thoW!r on a nand m;math basis until all eaiamg work hrcumda is completed or trmiasnd m acacsdnne with pas tam. Allied Universal shell spumy Pro(essieml services Ithe"Servkn"1 in IF,anemia,for de tame oil at the loatiosgsl nn firth,u each clauaw0lely numbered I ahNH_Q.Huh at**A is intended to Www own nm Any 14,0 A ray he laminated by either party tar.0-0000000 by the tdrr MeV tura ding 170)days written not.:b the inn 0000,04 pony.lbe ntm.pafnmus4 party shall haw do o1M'artaiO3 m.mac:Oe non-pate-mance within dna thirty-o!,y pound.Either party any brmimm acs L11 1143 indite this Ammon(If Mae is no miring work hammier)for any mus 0 any tmt.am t0ny(301 day(written notice to the ether pony (Trow Mall pay Allied(havered he the pMbre mtc00 of the Servant and any 000w ni rums marks services pauvidd by Allied Urines-sal hereunder al the rams(-Billing Rama-)and other chugms at f110111/1 000 SAneddc 1 o Y htbd A o adrwix payable Menorahs'101110111 d,drni n a.0.011.The billing ad payment nano will be contained 0'3 5,0101o50 I b l?ahib0 A.Clam doll he Moused b accept a11.00kwa submitted to Client it'it docs not nobly Allied flsuvasal in writing of any dispute*within dam(10)days of the invoice date.Cubes anal otherwise in 0e WFJicabio pand*t A.to Bilhrg Run set (rd m each c-'-•m-'-lin Exhibit A mo valid lortbe 10,01 imam(12)manta of the anal rem of Mid(•'able A dor Barr they will be merman monaf1y. effective s or Ott muvasy data of the Commencement Date.on an mown aqud m the• of a the . - mnaa.,&terminal ,o A. Scope W Services I. A➢Nd 1.weasel is respnsuible firth,fang,training ed suprvown°f 1. Allied universal apron to provide die Serums in a proksdom*and all sacwity professionals adgasnd by Allied liniment to Cheers location(s) diligent swear Allis)UniWOM des not warns to gunroom that the %meld Client data or oceans seemly officers or change the irntmetiens Services emanate animate,money(IA Client's kcatCw O)n to to puma or.opryman given o dor severity ondenuwal,by Anted unrvra.l. Aincident.araC.Melt.damage ge injury Umluding death).Client agrees dint m.luding lost not limited mil ini*Allied(invent)personnel to tare f llied Oatmeal has not provided say amputation sennas regarding what mhorminions,Client will beremoesible 0e any damp*.lubti3Om,comm may or may not be the proper Morn N security d 05,4,or da mrleds of re other mnsequencen that may mut, sucvr0y provided. 2 In addition to the Services set forth in IiahbO A..rbod baa°,and o 2 Clan may roman a amigo m the Sarvan.Sock requested changes will addition to any gars'or routine training provided by Allied()runnel to its be communicated in anima ml will be etfitive only Wim Allid Universal's moray pokmionds,Allied Univornl shill provide earl of its employee. minas approval which Allied Universal will wt unreasonably decline. awgncd 0Clat'sfsuoon(s)with Client nruened additional mining at the l0owcvr,to m emu will a refined by Allid 0.nivarssl to approve rammed oars 0010000 in' 0.24.1111110111.0C a breach of this Agreement or otherwise 00010 0 0 0011- 0 Allied Utfvaa]shill provide uniforms it all named((crsumol.Mimi puMrmarta by Alta 0000,0,01001000Agameut.The polos aatnpwldge C nivred wilt maMtann gime indolent in good concha.at AOmd 1.Jai ed Nem de FAhttiLA 0,0013 gamut Allied Univ./Os Moria at Client's oto eat and expense unless otherwise provided in hobdule I to k0Ai2U_0. xwamw(s) 1'slwporn and...steadied o,ifoosa rycwJ by Client will be provided as 3. The prpnsc of my sour''nna.Cider's kNetuw(s)by Allied Umvaat n o.lOy Weal rpm wad at a um mutually Bred upon in writing Allied minty o moat Client wilt its km warn)megrim,The safe nniatmnee Umvenel's panned wall ant be required to cavy tremens ofmy kid,unless of Climes prams.and operations and equipment on dame pianism and the otherwise apart*Act ford herein. voidance 01 nick...Rhona and prant000 u the sole ropmsddlhy of 4. Security prof saiona s msig,ed to COea'.Mcasmis1 no employees s of Z'li,ut Allied Unbend,wbab is acting 10 an onecedeat am00000.Athol B. Independent Comanche)Pommel Unrvnn will pay all mermation due and owing to its ag0Wycea and(d0 pal (ALLIEDUNIVERSAL medial payroll Wes and wehad alga T. (liar agmen ser pry Agied IN..en d one nal 0,00.000)pw vat 11.5•a) 5. Abed Unworn)is entitled to nage pummel n(:liar's 10 0.00,0,)io pr month arra,or mil maintain meson es 0,000101 by law,whatnot hill complier.with epplcable smai uppmtngy,coil nen and other u0earm'n3.veaeutpwd by Wduedare,I***0000 500 pgW.0000 capkywm1 lawaregulatirws.Upon rmaorble mime mina Cern stall raryad to allst m 000 putdw mwwd wmm<rwal am A 000 hove:h0 right to macer m any writing that y of Allard thivaoi'a employee by ClmO'nda din Amrmont CliWd 00 W o*prow o Pry o Athol 11,000sal the wmrw•parr wrY.0 n fad*o be neon OErle M manovd them w ams end attorneys'moo moat by AIWd Universal m such ammo 00,000`0s);crusaded tearer Nor web remit,b nor vele wheal*law.. D. Physld sad Isnllmt*Property b Client man.slalgns that ALM Urvant hr smog an0dvable tam I. Chios motaltte em 0koswledg00 that in put mea,u 010tie m100 ad mom.n naaauing sed monism a 00,000)00..A.such.Clam yeas shit Ap0wnrat Anted Unwind may 11011111 oda 01111an 1404.r0y sh0 rt wm5 inn aspby,n a 0000x5 pa0a00mM sir 0„oy rdand cy.0y, software(Inebrtkr'Proprietary Seamen").a vdaahle,main mil mics dirµty or+Nirwty,isr(00100 m0krye,at 0rou0 a anr,nr escarp. oo,of Al0d Unman andla third pure.Pao Pr preney Software a n0 my name who Ws tea cmpbyd by Albin liniment 0 a will roman the ole and mamma property of Alred Unwind md'aw 00are smarm,0.0,00000 told aaymd le Client's location Iwo a prod of ore aPpii ire Nod Peder hundred and manly OW days following use last dm of that Paion's 2 (Soot father soon ri0 nwertnls demoted.gaer00d,nes Inabat employment mth Allied Universal.In the Onto of a bomb 0/du peraeo, them..this Ag emery McMinn M rN need to Ion UNws,wormy Chat Mill pay Altid CtivrW the average wady 0000.0 for such employµ Pim,,enagny plus,00iymma,1Nm0.end wrmttgs.bath 000000 end fort 0i)rsuntlo50 hmid00 chap,m40000.w0drxll a mid ka and othn cumin (had00pb wUraody,"Wet Prodmit, may include the nusvi siatbawd,fat ng item a s s pro0n eat 004ary inbnumon of Allied sodwill nem.the 00ie and Minim es,atiVeprepeity of Allred Un000.0(Yom and Chenfs persaud will here 1 IM billing Run do of inenala the 400m bill hens("Dina!till a0 aupietary menu r die Work Pasha Chen acknowledges Nal 0 mill 1w 00,/1 ide0i16d re Ssdnskt4 I m Eohbe A.winch dol be 0.00000 ad rte shwa 0c1(Wak Pmtha.wits say third party ed ny Work P1101.101 111 ped by(1,0t o Ana,IhusaW in 0eordnee vndo she P430000 knw (li0m'n psmaaa0 shall be reared to Aden Ucvnual men to mm0am or harm.Nomwinatindmg anything aveund haus in the whey,Allred ntimtem ado,Atpanwrt. llsovrmal nosy pass through any inmate en any sad all of the ants of any and I. Any MM..).al0Wmor or mpt4e hinial000 by Said UnivoW 000,01 all Umar Bill Isms who mated a maned,,d Chem dull amtherse Perwmel.Pgfrmana 01 tlm Savun dtstasd in ries Agrormt NMI Altidl*osnal for such our, mom the 1,001000 of Alin Un0vaa and 1Wlt he remind to Allied 7. TM moues mace any wage rues,rnenWnmthtylweeky btog 0lm0uelpmrpdyo da epn.axi or tamer..of no Ageawn0 canna.or man mama.included m doS0rb 1.P hdm A.soy Misr L Insanes nNl.dwRkatin anulnO40 ny prom6 dost RFP adusavavt,mdAN tuba dsa*mcnl are co, I Allen Unnamed dell MUM=Waken(xmmnwmn coverage for 01 Mn ot...n n animal:My and wll 110 haw my uryu00 on the Bi!Img 1001000 pr,lessfowb ad lenemel aamµwd to(Imo's kwsiuna)u lama Rea.the annum Clint ages to pay.o on she wait Alked Universal pays inirme:by dom.imdtswUoofyoyoliat0tymmege- su cespo,y,, 2.. Abad Unman AIM imamaln tor ill 0000 ponutnn and Muth vinous 3 la the mom Oat Allied Cnivaol nommen an mem.in es wow °Ma p°MMs.of iw're oo.oa ud^tt Co,soo,eiol Oman I,idaliO avayq ranging from any dance where 0x net mike.*M.(1)FdnM,dam, Mi Ms P"*.muo ofdo Savkr elClid'a ka.00000) 00000008.tarbno0,.x iso Wes.look,.a reesod wtldoldutgs iumoani .1 Allied(Manan)dol minuet Automobile Lability omnae for 01 .x arced m wmmopnyabkm wd'aby Ann,Vnivanll 'terra by employees'operation of Alba Ua0,01.0',owned,bard ad ea-owned win repot o fAll M0,vad w a ss pvsonnet(2)FeSn00 l,0 ,(0vvoocul, wl0,0), ,Downer,a0 the num dol(ham monsAOot lMilaod etre,or burl minimum wage rum radian pad 10ou off arukr utk engr!oY0ns 0o dew,`dent's 0.0*0.00 n pe000vn00.000O 01 the Scrv'o,,0 00,0 Serve,yiasyn r aleuron wap recaniow,umfsm a0w,enmrca np00n00 agnea to tarry Automobile Iabi0dy MUM.for dos whines with bodily rads ramrod aoptyee alk.wrn,thawing bas auYr raparemsets.ON iryucy ml potaty damage teem el rho Mabee Wan 111,000.000 Oth wage,0000..00,mane and Asa baoft con ender 0000a0ve hepar,* Son mum.wll ho premum for sy hos w droop oa:0ring u,Clam Mammas;as;l0)cons reload to'meatier•war wade&compaem«ni, Me“Me oPrimd by AOid Unw000 oo oIoYrms m 0100000 vac:,.,E taw md;aa 141 bogy.ruW0)a•nodw0'ulL'r wafw h nes wl Wtr Suomi,and oda m ouamnm0.w dull Allied Unnvar.M 110010114 1,0 laumomy 0m1d.010,100010,0000000,buy mcund by nidal 1Mo00W ardor Client or Climes insures for thews that occur or vise out of Allied 0011ua00 to acclimate fd0ra0,pe ron'0r aml law,inclining,without 'mvebtor0 dImemo anis vwnd 00000,. limitation"Ikvbtwe Reform lgnsnr.s Corti"(v chair(below),0ko 4 (Tia,amen thin Aad Uninnal to is.ort mum eine,a Billing Mata the be incroud by a nacmxage men to the Ivwao, 0m,aa0 5.Permanl a 6001000. '.sant m Prove,.daewhwe 0 the ,rwrwe a Allied Ilmvr.0i'a uas murine fro.do nam 0u fora in this Agraaet.Cl*mum ell auk of bas,Orme!damxg0 ad PaoO00 Paw*Alton Loynd will provide Chem eon.of wu,chop an a 00007 ****10.**“*.in Pm."mL*6olrna 0t'aril,aha popaary ➢il0y Rea mud.,nom the,00,00 r Ma armoury,nal('lien wows any nght u1 4. Nomiths.ndmg anything 00ntedd in the Agamro t.the memo, r`'0,7 mei W eons,right 01mbnlanineteuen Mad(Mi1we0 for may Allied Unwind any Wm through the wets m forth in Swum COI to Chan baro,dump moulting few my oohoanrvaa. as morn w w,.rs.00 end Chan Mag pay Allid t.nOvanM for 0rh mats, 5 Allied Urumqi will proem,dried,hold harmless ad indoaofy "l ldllwrc Reform Isg,eiraon Com' knew.the was aed000 COmq de dim.,00farwa8s net apk,ym Iran rd 0Ra0n 000 003000, es manner.n0rrd by Allied Universal h mama of employee 00,00,0 sosa,nt,hnblfhm,dort,yl0,,dew.,ens ad np wan Uwwd.g maawsSlo armar maim ba8im and Om rammements oder the Pedes Prctttaam ra.03's fen)tile'lu 0).000101 mand Chem and directly radon and Affordable Cue Ad of 2010 ud dor teamed 11510.e0,1 4011040,. 00101 die p...e0 0f de Strom mem*neon.under 00, 4. tabs.attention capons seed Manx Avid UnverW's law and Agro...pnstdd sacJ,Inure(I)art,quad 00d0 by thou gr.ady 0harga.b ret in,;ide oy ale.,no,nor*0t'moiler W,,10000*a dui, 0001'0000 Whim of Allied I lmvr,04 o paws,the Servre,or by rxhe (Tsoo').Clem is ropetaihk ban mita mo all sen rased n roma of ,0adY metier.Mum a mamma in the letfrtaawe of the 00,10n by A01wd linivad',gtrvie.0 m raper 00 00wta payable by Char =0rd Uvoa.0i,r d.rwb 000 wrdlut Men m)act ser miawhl raivwy..1 b.x0v,lw.IE NIW 0d0ocron has use heal obligation to my.,Ora Toa Add Unoavl:12)500 mu wlol u wry way 0nwgh 00uraaIpa..ft" I/o oh,gl(Ina;n mamnssUrle ether dace Caewn,the,Ngrooco,00 arrwr0r abdf mooredµ,or unlawful activity of Client or otherwise'manna Bun Albd to promptly pod by Closer x A00ied Unarmed mins Clem po,voa Athol s)nvmad'a aag,lrmae with eteMrte Mlµtan 5,0.Goo;a001,r(7)00,wx Universal web eche,,1,1d tial cwrmt W nwwo0xi>melicwm or dant *0403 r MlepiOIY aux 0w 0f a Ioanlly Made.'(orange Ilreat(s)ta pay mbilea0,00060000 by do alp.opoam easing sn0Nuky, dermal human)Athol IMinnie.obligations under drat iva,Dm'0 shall n0 PI 271 ' Page ttLLIEDUNIVERSAC extend to first party losses sustained by Client,or other benefits or insurance Client owns to third parties or its employexx. provided by Client to oa employees,including but not limited to medical, G. hilattrilansass disability,and workers compensation benefits. 1 This Agreement represents the notes ngramem ted urdentandutg of the 6. Notwitlntarding anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary, parties wncaniag the subject matter herein and replaces any and all pmviouo • should Allied Universal be found liable for any Losses hereunder for any agreements, understandings, representations, discussnona or offers. No reason,the sole and exclusive remedy of Client in any situation,whether in iwdtfication to this Agreement shall bra effective unless in writing and contract or tort,or otherwise,shah be limited(o Client's actual and direct executed by both parties oral delivered to each respective Darty hereto. damages,and shall in no event exceed the amounts invoiced over the previous 2. A written waives by either party of any of the terms or conditions of thin twelve(12)month period and paid by Client to Allied Universal under the Agreement shall not be deemed or conatened to be a waive of such termor applicable Exhibit A such amounts to be inclusive of any defense costs. condition for the ensure or of any subsequent broach of the Agreement The 7. Client shall protect, defend, bold harmlens and indemnify Allied failure rn enforce a particulo provision of thin Agreement'ball not constitute Universal, ins respective successors and assigns, and its directors, a waiver oesuch provision or otherwise prejudice Allied Universal's right to professionals and employees from and against all Losses asserted against entbrce such provision ata lata time. Allied Universal arising out of incidents or occurrences laking place or arising J. This Agreement is entered into solely for the mutual benefit of the parties hereto and at Client's location provided that any such Losses:a)occur due to Arlied no benefits,rights,duties or obligations aro intended or created by Universal's compliance with Client's directions and requests(including but this Agreement as in any tined partien not limited to direstions and requests in Section B.1 and Section B.5);b)occur 4. Bads party further warrants and represents that thin Agreement has been during Legally Mandated Coverage Break(s);and/or c)are(I)alteiburable m esocuted by a duly authorized individual. bodily injury,sickness,disease or death or es damage to tangible property; 5. This Agreement and all matters collateral hereto shell by governed by the laws of the state or province wherein the Services and,(2)are not caused in any way through the negligence,willful misconductces'are In be provided without or unlawful activity of Allied Universal,or the failure of Allied Universal M refine=to its choice of law provisions. perform the Services. 6. if any of the terms or provisions of this Agreement are ruled to be invalid 8. Under no circumstances will Allied Universal be liable to Client,or any or inoperative,all the remaining terms and provisions shall retrain in full force other person or entity,for consequential,incidental,indirect or punitive and affa.1 damages,or for lost profits. 7. This Agreement may he executed in one or more counterpane,each of 9. Client shall give written notice to Allied Universal of any of its Losses or which shall constitute one and the tune Agreement.The parties agree that this potential Losses arising out of the Services within thirty(30)days follownng Agrecmart will be considered signed when the signature of'party is delivered notification of the occurrence giving rise to such Losses or potential lasses. by facsimile transmission or delivered by scanned image(e.g.pdf or'tiff fib) recover action to rver any Lola shall be instituted or maintained against Allied as nes atmehment ten email. Universal unless notice of such toss shall have been given by Client m Allied a. Allied Universal shalt rut be respnnuble foe addoMnal expanse and Universal in the manner and form set forth herein.No action to recover for costa in by it or Client a provide Services pursuant to this Agreement any doss shall be insulated or maintained against Allied Universal unless IS it email of unusual circumstances including,but not limited to,strikes,riots. instituted not later than twelve(12)months following notification of the revolutions,wars,military actions,fires,tends,droughts,natural disasters, oc:;:rrrrenw giving rise to such Loan. pandemics,active shooter events,snow norma,Mauls or other inclement F. Compliance with Lawsweather,accidents.insurrections,lockouts or alis acts of God,perils of the I. Some or all of the physical security guard services identified in this axe,atpp„ge of labor,no other events considered as"Force Majeure",or by Agreement could be designated as a Qualified Anti-terrorism Technology any other unavokiabtecatrse beyond Allied Universal's reasonable amtrol.All ("QATT')undo the Support Anti-terrorism by Effective Technologies such rdddtonal expenaea shall be the responsibility of Client ns rte additbnai (SAFE IN")Act of2002,6 U.S.C.¢¢4411144,as amended.WherethisQATi' charge invoiced and paid by Client as it is incurred,pursuant totin terms of has been deployed in defense against,response or recovery from an act of the Billing section sat forth above.Additionally,to the extort that Allied terrorism,as that latter term is defined under the SAFETY Act(as herein Universal is unable to perform,or is delayed in performing,die Se vices due defined),Allied Universal and Client agree to waive all claims against each ton Forte Ltaiuuro event,such rwtpettonuance or delayed performance is not oilier,including their pmfesstmds,directors,„genu or other represanmtives, a breach of this Agreenumt nor cause for Client's termination of its arising out of the manufacture,sale,usnoropamiem of the QATT,and further Aemart agree that na each is p nsibte for hoses,including business interruption losses, vgre . Either parry may assign this Agreement ro an affiliate,meaning an entity that its sustains,or for Magog susained by its own employees resulting from controlling,eoatrolled by or under uomnmn content with the party.Except no an activity arising out of such act of termriam This provision shall apply permitted in sus section,Client may not assign,delegate or sub;nat:act this throughout the term of this Agreement,regazdless of whether Allied Universal Agreement without the prior written consent of Allied Universal. em should cease M have SAFI:tY Act coverage for them Services for any reason. Notwithstanding the foregoing,in the event Client assigns this Agreement,it 2. Client shall,at its own cost and expense,comply in full with all applicable shall remain liable hereunder after such assignment fixMml, state, provincial, sod Matt stemma, laws, ordeances, rote' I U. Any notice required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall regulations,orders,licenses,permits or fees("Governmental Regulations") be deltvere either M perraw,by nationally recognized eve right delivery applicable to its opecatirms and its performance under this Agreetnent, service:or by ceAitmd or registered mail,postage prepaid,addressed M the including without limitation,(i)environmannl laws,(ii)laws relating to Parties at the address shown m the opening paragraph(or as may be directed accessibility by and accommodation of handicapped persons,and(iii)laws by a party do the future by written notice). relating le diso iminatiou of any type of manner.Client shall notify Allied 11. In aamection mitts to negotiation,execution and performance of this Universal in writing within forty-eight(48)hours of any inquiry,notice, Agreenxnt,each party acknowledges that it dotes been and will provided subpoena,lawsuit,or other evidence of investigation by any public agency with confidential business information ofein other puny("Confidential th or the commencement ofany judtcd oradministnative litigation,or arbitration Iruorndion").Each party will exercise reasonable canmacid uffoen.M proceedings with respect to Allied Universal's operatioua at the property Proms and preserve the confidentiality of Confidential Information,including and.'or perfonrrance under this Agreement.Should Allied Universal be issued in a minimum those methals mrd procelur'it use'in prince its own a citation or other sanction because of conditions on the premises created by confidential information.A party shall not be required to preserve the oasers,Clhwt Asan pay and will be reaponsible for the fino The foregoing shall confidentiality of Confidential information to the extent it becomes public include,but not be limited to,a0 applicable health,safety,and labor standards, other than trough the canon ire inaction of the party,or discloaure is required J. Under no circumstances will Alred Universal indemnify Client for by law.If Allied Universal is required to disclose information belonging to Workers'Compensation claims or for fulfilling independent statutory duties Client,Client shall indemnify Allied Universal,ii,respective etrecessors and p.3 icitLL-4EDUNIVERSAL` B professionals, employees from and against all this Agreement shall control.Under no circumstances shall the Post Orders assigns,and its directors, and Losses asserted against Allied Universal arising out of said disclosure, expand the liabilities of the parties toward each other or any third party. 12. The parties further acknowledge and agree that to the extent Allied 14, Client acknowledges and agrees that the continuity of Services is subject Universal has assumed insurance,defense and indemnification obligations to intortuption for mandatory,paid rest periods or unpaid meal periods or other hereunder,such obligations shall not apply to any work performed by Allied breaks as required by applicable law,during which time security professionals Universal at the direction of Client,or work performed by Allied Universal must be relieved of all duties,including without limitation to die requirement that is not specifically set forth on an Exhibit A.Notwithstanding anything to to remain"tin call'("Legally Mandated Break Period(s)").Services at the the contrary provided herein or in any other direction(oral or written),Allied locations set forth in an Exhibit A will be interrupted and such locations will Universal and Client agree that in no event shall Allied Universal employees not be secured during such time that security professionals are on Legally be required to undertake any duty which could potentially expose themselves Mandated Break Periods and Client has not agreed to pay for sufficient relief to unreasonable risk or harm.At all times,Client represents and warrants that coverage("Legally Mandated Coverage Break(s))"). the policies and requirements Allied Universal and its employees are requested 15. The duties and responsibilities of Allied Universal are specifically set and/or required to adhere to by Client are lawful. forth herein.Client acknowledges that Client alone has chosen the number of 13. For the avoidance of doubt,any duties contrary to and/or in excess of the security professionals and type of services, e.g., armed, unarmed, to be Services,shall be agreed upon by the parties in writing.In the event that there provided under the Agreement;that Allied Universal has informed Client that are any post orders,directives,or other specification documents of any type additional security professionals and/or services are available at an additional ("Post Orders"),they shall not form any part of this Agreement,they are not cost; and that Client has elected not to avail itself of additional security incorporated into this Agreement and are not a novation or modification or professionals or services at this time unless mutually agreed upon in writing. expansion of the duties set forth in this Agreement.Further,if there is any 16. The following provisions shall survive expiration or termination of this conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and any other documents, Agreement for any reason:A.1;A.3;B.1;13.4;B.5;B.6;C;D;E;F and G. 272 ' Page LUEDUNI YERSAL° EXURIIT A- to Master Services Agreement Between Allied Universal and Adams County Courthouse This Exhibit A is intended to incorporate the terms and conditions of the Master Security Professional Service Agreement between Universal Protection Service,LP,dib/a Allied Universal Security Services("Allied Universal")and Adams County Courthouse ("Client")dated September 1 2023(the"Agreement"). 'l'he term of this Exhibit A shall be for a period of 1___year beginning on September 1_,2021 and the defined terms"Commencement Date"and"Initial Term"shall flow from said date.This Exhibit A will automatically continue thereafter on a month to month basis until all existing work hereunder is completed or terminated in accordance with its terms. LOCATIONS FOR SECURITY SERVICES Specify for Liteatkn eseh Schedule of Covertly 11211/2 location: hang tJrarmed M-P 0715-1715 with one hour unpaid 40 Regular Rare 2.5 1. 500 West 4^Street Hastings NE 68901 for lunch Overtime Rau Armed M-F 0730-1730 with one hour unpaid 40 rcgunar rate 5 hours 1, 500 Wast 4a Street Hastings NI:68901 fur lunch Nvertime tart Description of Services: The Services Allied Universal will provide Client pursuant to this Agreement ate: • Security prokvsional is to perform assigned duties of patrolling and observing the above location(s)as dirmted by Client. • Any unusual imcidants detected or reported will be reported to(Limit via the designated Client contact.An incident report will be filled out and a copy will he forwarded to Client iia security professional creating the report will be available to explain the incident report during dee drift. • lire security professional will also report criminal activity and/or visible hazards observed and/or reported while on post The location(s),day(s)and timc(s)lasted in this l ulribit>1 may not he altered by Client,unless mutually agreed upon in a writing signed by the parties. lire scope of services does out include any Amounts,parking lots,appurtenances,or nearby arras not specifically listed hams. By signing below by their duly authorized representatives,Client and Allied Universal agree to be legally bound to the Agreement, General'I'crme and Cooditiom.this Exhibit A and all Schedules attached hereto,which form a binding and enforceable Part of this Agreement as of the Commencement Date above. CLIENT: UNIVERSAL PROTECTION SERVICE,IP d/b/a Allied Universal Security Services By: Name: ___-- Name:Scott Rhoads Tete: Title:Branch Manager Address for Notices: Address for Notices:11414 West Center RD Suite 100 Omaha NI)68144 Fax:-----..--------- Fax: 4(1001r11 L EDUNIVERSAL. SCHEDULE I TO EXHIBIT"A- " to Agreement Between Allied Universal and Adams County Courthouse BILLING RATES The initial Billing Rates for the Services shall be as follows: ForLit-anon1: Unarmed Armed Security Professional Regular $25.76 per hour $30.30__.per hour Rate Security Professional $38.64 per hour $45.45_,per hour Overtime'Rate Security Professional Holiday $38.64per hour $45.45_per hour Rate Supervisor Regular Rate S per hour S per hour Supervisor Overtime'Rate S per hour $ per hour Supervisor Holiday Rate $ per hour $ per hour For Location 2: Unarmed Armed Security Professional Regular S per hour $ per hour Rate Security Professional $ per hour —...... $ per hour -..... Overtime'Rate Security Professional Holiday $ per hour S_ per hour Rate Supervisor Regular Rate $ per hour $ per hour Supervisor Overtime'Rate S per hour $__ per hour Supervisor Holiday Rate S per hour $_ per hour Additional Notes' > Mutually agreed-upon merit increases will result in a Bill Rate increase, •Requested Overtime:With fulmars ars for a specific individual to work more than their Overtime Limit for any special reason,regariless of the notice provided and provided that the individual is able to amotnnodate,only the overtime impact for that individual will be billed.An individual's Overtime Limit may be a weakly(e.g.40 heartier daily limit(e.g.8 lours)depending on tire Wcotioa.Pxatnple,in a location where 40 hours per week is the Overtime Limit:"We need Officer Smith to stny two extra hours at the end of his shill to help with a special projoc."the additional two hours will only be billed at the overtime rate if those hours exceed the Overtime limit of 40 hours per week. I. ADDFI'lONAL BILLING TRAMS EXTRA SI)RYICE REOUIISTS.Requests rvreeived with loss than 5 business days'notice will be billed at the overtime ram.The overtime rate for such additional services will continue to apply until this Agreement is amended in writing to provide for the increase in base hours. 2. The holiday billing rate shall be used for all work performed on New Year's Day,t'residads Day,Mmnorial Day,Independence Day,Labor Day, 273 I Page ( tLUEDUNIVERSAC- Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day,or by applicable collective bargaining agreement. 3. A labor strike or other emergency situation that creates a working environment for security professionals that is more hazardous than the normal condition under this Agreement will be cause to negotiate a temporary billing rate for modified services, 4. Allied Universal shall be compensated for all time including preparation,travel to/from,and actual time spent in any court of law,judicial, quasi-judicial or other proceeding,mediation,deposition,arbitration to which Allied Universal is subpoenaed or agrees to appear,arising out of, or relating to,this Agreement at the rate ofi$125.00 per hour,for director or manager and$65.00 per hour for alt other employees in addition to reasonable costs and expenses incurred.This paragraph will survive the termination of this Agreement. 5. Should Client require Allied Universal to provide uninterrupted Services during Legally Mandated Break Periods,such requirement must be expressly stated in the Description of Services on that Exhibit A.Such uninterrupted Services and all costs associated therewith are billable at the applicable bill rate for such relief personnel. 6. Client understands and agrees that by ordering and receiving the HELIAUS Technology Platform which may include all or some of the HELIAUS Mobile and HELIAUS Portal components(the"HELIAUS Services")from Allied Universal,Client agrees to the HELIAUS Software-as-a-Service(SaaS)Terms in full("the HELIAUS Terms"),and same shall solely govern the provision of the HELIAUS Services; provided,however,the invoicing,payment,and billing terms for the HELIAUS Services shall be governed by this Agreement.The Parties acknowledge and agree that the HELIAUS Services are otherwise separate and distinct from the Services under this Agreement,and that any use or non-use of the HELIAUS Services shall not expand the Allied Universal scope of Services and/or liability hereunder.The HELIAUS Terms may be found at www.aus.com/service-termt and by signing the Agreement Client acknowledges receipt and agrees to the HELIAUS Terms. "HELIAUS"is a service mark of Allied Universal. Board adjourned by unanimous consent. COUNTY GENERAL BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 2, 869.25 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD, DENTAL INSURANCE BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 6, 074 . 94 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD, DENTAL INSURANCE 238.04 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 9, 376. 64 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD, DENTAL INSURANCE BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 4, 540. 90 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD, DENTAL INSURANCE BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 7,330.74 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD, DENTAL INSURANCE 97 .54 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD, DENTAL INSURANCE 27.29 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 2,747 .48 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD, DENTAL INSURANCE BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 6, 799. 60 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD, DENTAL INSURANCE 158.42 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 954 .06 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD, DENTAL INSURANCE BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD, DENTAL INSURANCE 70.25 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 3, 521.57 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD, DENTAL INSURANCE BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 4, 166.82 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD, DENTAL INSURANCE 97 .54 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 22, 674 .52 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD, DENTAL INSURANCE 441. 67 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 11, 684 .60 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD, DENTAL INSURANCE 79.21 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,VICTIMS ASSISTANCE PROGRA 954.06 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 28, 936.50 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD, DENTAL INSURANCE 242. 95 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 954.06 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD, DENTAL INSURANCE BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 1, 606.38 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD, DENTAL INSURANCE BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 1,793.42 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD, DENTAL INSURANCE DELTA DENTAL OF NEBRASKA, DENTAL INSURANCE 126.05 DELTA DENTAL OF NEBRASKA, DENTAL INSURANCE 61.81 DELTA DENTAL OF NEBRASKA, DENTAL INSURANCE 317.27 DELTA DENTAL OF NEBRASKA, DENTAL INSURANCE 216. 60 DELTA DENTAL OF NEBRASKA, DENTAL INSURANCE 221.80 DELTA DENTAL OF NEBRASKA, DENTAL INSURANCE 125.20 DELTA DENTAL OF NEBRASKA, DENTAL INSURANCE 216. 60 DELTA DENTAL OF NEBRASKA, DENTAL INSURANCE 33.80 DELTA DENTAL OF NEBRASKA, DENTAL INSURANCE 159.85 DELTA DENTAL OF NEBRASKA, DENTAL INSURANCE 58 .45 DELTA DENTAL OF NEBRASKA, DENTAL INSURANCE 424 .32 DELTA DENTAL OF NEBRASKA, DENTAL INSURANCE 326.42 DELTA DENTAL OF NEBRASKA,VICTIMS ASSISTANCE PROGRA 92.25 274 ' Page DELTA DENTAL OF NEBRASKA, DENTAL INSURANCE 962.13 DELTA DENTAL OF NEBRASKA, DENTAL INSURANCE 91. 40 DELTA DENTAL OF NEBRASKA, DENTAL INSURANCE 33.80 DELTA DENTAL OF NEBRASKA, DENTAL INSURANCE 61.81 DELTA DENTAL OF NEBRASKA, DENTAL INSURANCE 101.54 NACO, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 150.00 NACO, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 300.00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 59.40 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 35.00 US BANK, DUES, SUBS, REGIST, TRAINING 150.00 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 368.07 MIPS, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 1, 489.31 HOMETOWN LEASING,COPY MACH RENT 153.24 COBBLESTONE HOTEL & SUITES,TRAVEL EXPENSES 190.00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 37 . 95 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 109.29 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 25.00 US BANK, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 143.80 US BANK,TRAVEL EXPENSES 31.20 VANGUARD APPRAISALS INC,DATA PROCESSING COSTS 16, 946.00 HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 143.73 HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 85.19 NACO,DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 55.00 DAS STATE ACCOUNTING, DATA PROCESSING 150.00 US BANK, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 349. 99 US BANK, DATA PROCESSING 137.31 US BANK,CELL PHONES 490.44 US BANK, TELEPHONE SERVICES 154.06 US BANK,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 614. 91 ADAMS COUNTY CLERK OF DIST CRT, DISTRICT COURT COSTS 888.00 ADAMS COUNTY CLERK OF DIST CRT, DISTRICT COURT COSTS 196.79 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF FEE ACCT ,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 61.00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 28.20 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 71.28 GARFIELD COUNTY SHERIFF, DISTRICT COURT COSTS 18 .50 LANCASTER COUNTY SHERIFF, DISTRICT COURT COSTS 20.74 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 175.00 US BANK, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 150.00 DEREK TERWEY,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 46.00 JENIFER KNUTH,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 46.00 JERI L HINRICHS,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 46.00 LYNN FOLCIK,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 207 .00 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 143.60 CDW GOVERNMENT LLC,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 4, 892 .49 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 129.00 JUSTICE WORKS LLC, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 400.00 ANDERSON KLEIN BREWSTER BRANDT,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 15, 974.53 BOCKSTADTER & GLEN LAW LLC,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 28.50 JUSTIN M DAAKE,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 2, 587.50 DEWALD DEAVER PC LLO,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 3, 394 .76 ERICKSON LAW LLC,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 669.50 MURRAY LAW PC LLO,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 3, 198 .28 DIER OSBORN & COX PC LLO,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 1, 344 .04 PATINO KING LLC,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 6, 592 .50 SKALKA & BAACK LAW FIRM,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 2, 358 .48 STEHLIK LAW FIRM PC LLO,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 1, 985.25 THOMAS S STEWART,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 3,234 .40 BRADLEY LAW OFFICE PC,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 2,327.50 SULLIVAN SHOEMAKER PC LLO,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 20,279.50 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT, PICKUPS 195.06 BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC , SHOP TOOLS 226.26 BLACK HILLS ENERGY,UTILITIES 50.56 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,CHEMICALS UN RES 33.00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,OTHER EQUIPMENT 254.00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,CHEMICALS UN RES 92.40 DUTTON LAINSON CO,BLDG REPAIR-ANNEX/WALLACE 38.45 DUTTON LAINSON CO,BLDG REPAIR-ACOB 10.58 DUTTON LAINSON CO,BLDG REPAIR-COURTHOUSE 3. 90 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 553.26 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 107. 60 HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES 2, 492.49 MENARDS,CHEMICALS UN RES 49. 99 275 1Page MENARDS,BLDG REPAIR-ACOB 33.08 MENARDS,BLDG REPAIR-ANNEX/WALLACE 84.52 SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT,UTILITIES 389.60 US BANK, FURNITURE/REMODELING 279.00 W G PAULEY LUMBER CO, SHOP TOOLS 17 .19 HASTINGS TRIBUNE,TRAVEL EXPENSES - BOARD M 4.71 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLN,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 45.02 US BANK,MISCELLANEOUS 216. 97 US BANK, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 153.46 BETH JANNING,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 20. 96 MIPS,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 538.06 MIPS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 190.00 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 4,302 .37 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF REVOLVING, POSTAL SERVICES 60.00 AUTO GLASS EXPERTS LLC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 415.00 CITY OF HASTINGS, SHERIFF COSTS 10.50 CORNHUSKER PRESS INC, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 295.96 DELL MARKETING LP,ENGINEERING & TECHNICAL E 2, 808 .00 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 138 .22 HASTINGS FORD-LINCOLN,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 838. 94 GRAHAM TIRE GRAND ISLAND,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 27.00 JACKS UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT, SHERIFF COSTS 771.44 JANITOR INC, JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS 625.46 KENESAW MOTOR CO INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 275.85 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE,MERIT COMMISSION EXPENSES 350.00 MENARDS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 72.08 MIPS,DATA PROCESSING COSTS 68 .90 NE LAW ENFORCEMENT TRNG CENTER, SHERIFF COSTS 426.00 US BANK, SHERIFF COSTS 208 .25 WILLIAMS EXTERMINATING CO,MISCELLANEOUS 36.00 CLAY COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS 26.50 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 82. 65 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 313.37 FRANKLIN COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS 6.00 HALL COUNTY COURT,COURT RELATED COSTS 4 .50 HAMILTON COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT,COURT RELATED COSTS 24 .85 JANITOR INC, JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS 612.04 LANCASTER COUNTY SHERIFF, JUVENILE COURT COSTS 38.74 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 510.00 NEBRASKA.GOV,COURT RELATED COSTS 34.00 NEBRASKA.GOV, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 100.00 SECRETARY OF STATE,COURT RELATED COSTS 40.00 SOFTWARE UNLIMITED,DATA PROCESSING COSTS 854 . 65 TRANSUNION RISK & ALTERNATIVE ,COURT RELATED COSTS 75.00 US BANK, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 785.00 US BANK,MISCELLANEOUS 473.00 US BANK,NOTARY CHARGES 100.00 WESTERN ALTERNATIVE CORRECTION, JUV GRANT COMMUNITY, 19-CB 2, 610.00 VERIZON WIRELESS,CELL PHONES 1, 670.44 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,TRAVEL EXPENSES 1, 084 .26 ADAMS COUNTY JAIL/SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 1, 664.37 ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC, PROVISIONS & CLOTHING 122.28 BERTS PHARMACY,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 11.50 CALEB SCHROEDER MD LLC,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 94.32 CASH WA DISTRIBUTING,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 1, 713.23 CENTRAL DENTAL GROUP,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 568 .00 CLAY COUNTY SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 4, 100.00 CROSIER PARK PHARMACY,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 59.02 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 33.86 ENCARTELE INC,COMMISSARY-PHONE CARDS 900.00 GALLS LLC,CLOTHING 688.56 GRACES LOCKSMITH SERVICES,MISCELLANEOUS 157 .50 HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 1, 282 .10 JIM' S U-SAVE PHARMACY,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 17 .07 KEEFE SUPPLY COMPANY,COMMISSARY 1, 643.72 KEITH' S DRIVE IN DRUG,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 330.86 KENESAW MOTOR CO INC,TRAVEL EXPENSES 951.58 LANDGREN & UDEN FAMILY DENTIST,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 181.00 LINCOLN COUNTY DETENTION CTR,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 770.00 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 736.21 MIPS,DATA PROCESSING COSTS 68 .90 PATHOLOGY SERVICES PC,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 36.31 276 1Page PHELPS COUNTY SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 11,250.00 PHELPS COUNTY SHERIFF,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 2, 108.84 PHELPS MEMORIAL HEALTH CENTER ,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 1, 845.07 VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 189.23 US FOODS INC,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 939. 68 WESTFIELD PHARMACY,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 15.89 WILLIAMS EXTERMINATING CO,MISCELLANEOUS 28.00 WINDSTREAM,MISCELLANEOUS 87 .50 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 71.07 CULLIGAN OF KEARNEY,MISCELLANEOUS 16.00 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 883.20 MIDWEST CONNECT, POSTAL SERVICES 141.88 NEBRASKA TECH & TELECOM INC,TELEPHONE SERVICES 146.78 PHELPS COUNTY TREASURER,TELEPHONE SERVICES 51.07 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 212.91 CITY OF HASTINGS, FEMA GRANT COSTS 2, 133.97 COMPUTER CONSULTANTS INC,MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 240.00 PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTINGS INC ,RADIO REPAIR 27 .50 RON PUGHES,MISCELLANEOUS 31.05 IDEA BANK MARKETING, 2021 SHSP-PET GRANT 177 .00 US BANK, 2020 SHSP-PET GRANT 9,508 .64 US BANK, 2021 SHSP-PET GRANT 575.85 US BANK,TRAVEL EXPENSES 33.53 US BANK,EQ REPAIRS COM 456.09 ALLIED UNIVERSAL, SECURITY CONTRACTS BY 0TH 1, 055.46 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 511.39 NACO, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 150.00 STATE OF NEBRASKA, PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 1, 178.00 CENTEC CAST METAL PRODUCTS,MISCELLANEOUS 1, 368.80 US BANK,MISCELLANEOUS 176.00 US BANK, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 150.00 US BANK, TRAVEL EXPENSES 150.00 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF FEE ACCT , SHERIFF' S FEES 2, 345.43 HERITAGE BANK, INTERNET SERVICE 25.00 MIDWEST CONNECT, POSTAL SERVICES 3, 000.00 MIDWEST CONNECT, POSTAL SERVICES 3, 000.00 MIPS,BUDGET PREPARATION COSTS 48. 92 MIPS, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 357.50 ZACHARY K GRAY,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 8, 738.31 ROAD - BRIDGE BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 34, 179.15 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD, DENTAL INSURANCE 389.75 DELTA DENTAL OF NEBRASKA, DENTAL INSURANCE 960. 62 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP,RD EQ REP PARTS 86.70 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 220.00 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, SMALL TOOLS, ETC. 278.49 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, SUPPLIES - SHOP 159.27 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP,RD EQ REP PARTS 107. 91 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, SUPPLIES - SHOP 333.41 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP,MACH EQ GREASE OIL 284 . 99 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, SUPPLIES - SHOP 115.33 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP,RD EQ REP PARTS 3.70 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP,MACH EQ GREASE OIL 103.08 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP,RD EQ REP PARTS 236.49 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, SUPPLIES - SHOP 87. 19 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP,MACH EQ GREASE OIL 99. 12 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, SUPPLIES - SHOP 115.67 BAUER BUILT,MACH EQ TIRES & REP 7, 650.00 BLACK HILLS ENERGY,HEATING FUELS 123. 64 BOSSELMAN ENERGY INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 18, 443.38 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,TOWEL/CLEANING AGREEMENTS 56.87 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 40. 47 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,TOWEL/CLEANING AGREEMENTS 51.70 CITY OF HASTINGS,WASTE DISPOSAL 10.50 COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 33, 363.77 DEWEESE SAND & GRAVEL,MATERIALS - GRAVEL & BORR 23, 174 .07 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 58.12 FILTER CARE, SUPPLIES - SHOP 354. 65 FLEET PRIDE INC, RD EQ REP PARTS 563.27 GERHOLD CONCRETE COMPANY INC,MATERIALS - CONCRETE, ETC 645.32 GLENWOOD TELECOMMUNICATIONS,MAINT.WORK BY OTHER 735. 90 HASTINGS OUTDOOR POWER LLC,MACH EQ GREASE OIL 21. 96 277 1 Page HASTINGS TRIBUNE,LEGAL ADS 20.42 HASTINGS UTILITIES,ELECTRICITY 554 .16 LANDMARK IMPLEMENT INC, RD EQ REP PARTS 135.99 JERRY SPADY CADILLAC GMC INC,RD EQ REP PARTS 26.44 NACO, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 150.00 MID-NEBRASKA AGGREGATE INC,MATERIALS - GRAVEL & BORR 23, 591.07 NAPA AUTO PARTS,RD EQ REP PARTS 904. 64 NAPA AUTO PARTS, SUPPLIES - SHOP 117.42 NAPA AUTO PARTS,RD EQ REP PARTS 47.24 NAPA AUTO PARTS, SUPPLIES - SHOP 24.18 NEBRASKA TRUCK CENTER,MISCELLANEOUS 166.32 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 100.54 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS, SIGNS 643.40 NMC EXCHANGE LLC,RD EQ REP PARTS 143.27 NMC EXCHANGE LLC, SUPPLIES - SHOP 201.52 NMC EXCHANGE LLC,RD EQ REP PARTS 1, 811.82 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS,RD EQ REP PARTS 43. 92 OAK CREEK ENGINEERING,ENGINEERING 15, 464 . 64 W G PAULEY LUMBER CO, SUPPLIES - MISCELLANEOUS 17. 98 PTSR,MISCELLANEOUS 50.00 PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTINGS INC ,RADIO EQUIPMENT 604.55 CAMERON PIATT,MISCELLANEOUS 19.00 SIPP'S CLEANING SOLUTIONS, JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS 436.01 SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT,ELECTRICITY 287.63 TITAN MACHINERY INC. ,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 26. 10 TITAN MACHINERY INC. ,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 18.58 TITAN MACHINERY INC. ,RD EQ REP PARTS 16.25 TITAN MACHINERY INC. ,MACH EQ GREASE OIL 44 .60 TRAUSCH DYNAMICS INC,RD EQ REP PARTS 200.05 US BANK,RD EQ REP PARTS 174 . 95 US BANK, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 12 .30 VILLAGE OF HOLSTEIN,WATER 22.24 VILLAGE OF HOLSTEIN, SEWER 12.50 VILLAGE OF KENESAW,WATER 18.08 VILLAGE OF KENESAW, SEWER 20. 61 VERIZON CONNECT NWF INC,ENGINEERING/TECHNICAL EQU 210.47 WERNER CONSTRUCTION CO,BITUMINOUS SURFACE CONTRA 931, 703.30 WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERVICE,GARBAGE 140.00 ROAD/BRIDGE BUYOUT PROGRAM OAK CREEK ENGINEERING,ENGINEERING 17, 443.74 COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 188.45 NRG MEDIA-KSYZ, PROMOTION ADVERTISING 200.00 PJ'S,BUILDING RENTAL 7,200.00 US BANK,UTILITIES 179.36 US BANK, INTERNET SERVICE 179. 97 US BANK, DUES,SUBS, REGIST,TRAINING 91.00 US BANK,ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE 41.00 PRESERVATION & MODERNIZATION MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 184 .00 MIPS,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 386.57 MIPS, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 473.58 HEALTH FUND BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 17, 171.59 DELTA DENTAL OF NEBRASKA, DENTAL INSURANCE 649. 10 COVID AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN US BANK, SPECIAL PROJECTS 3, 424.00 INHERITANCE TAX WEST GROUP PAYMENT CENTER,LAW LIBRARY 3, 230.70 REGIONAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT US BANK,EM TRAINING 771.53 LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER DELL MARKETING LP, DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT 2, 006.00 Lee Hogan Ramona R.Thomas Board Chairman Adams County Clerk 278jPage Adams County Board of Equalization Meeting Minutes Tuesday,August 15,2023 at 10:00 am Courthouse,Adams County A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Equalization was held in conjunction with the Adams County Board of Commissioner's meeting with Chairman Lee Hogan presiding. Members present; Michael Stromer—District 1, Glen Larsen—District 2, Lee Hogan—District 3 Harold Johnson—District 4,Tim Reams- District 5,Chuck Neumann—District 6,Joe Patterson—District 7. Motion by Patterson, seconded by Neumann,to meet as a Board of Equalization, in order to review and take action on an omitted property valuation protest,tax list corrections and motor vehicle exemption applications. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Entered Board of Equalization at 10:00 am. Adams County Assessor,Jackie Russell, stated the owners of ARM Properties,Alton Jackson and Roger Coffman,filed a protest for omitted property for parcel 010017092. Russell cited the owners did not file for any permits or make the assessor's office aware of any improvements to the property.There have been structures built on the property and the assessor's office may go back and assess the property from the date in which they can prove the improvements were made.County Appraiser,Shannon Bird, stated the GIS imagery shows the structures were in place by 2013 and ARM Properties have now been notified of the additional valuation from 2013-2022. Owners of the property,Alan Jackson and Roger Coffman spoke and stated they inquired with the city of Hastings if any permits needed to be filed and they were told that no permits were needed.The structures in question should not be considered a dwelling as there are not full living facilities there.The owners offered to open their property for inspection. Action on the omitted property protest was deferred until the assessor's office can inspect the property in question. Assessor Russell presented the board with value corrections for the following parcels: • 010008099—Patterson • 010000835—Blake • 010000834—Bowan • 010014174—Bates Russell has reviewed the corrections and is requesting board approval. Property Valuation Correction Notice Correction 8(s) 23-050 Tax Year(s)Corrected 2023 Date of Correction 8/9/2023 Description of Property 806 Madden Rd Owner Gordon&Janet Blake Parcel 1D M 010000835 Tax ID 40.02038 Mailing Address 806 Madden Rd,Hastings,NE 68901 Legal 2508-10-210.001074 kK 1 LOCHvAN000UNTRY Clue SU&ON 57 CURRENT YEAR VAWATION: Current Year Value Corrected Current Year Submitted Value Personal Property Land $27,634.00 $27,634.00 Dwelling $261,578.00 $193,636.00 Improvements $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL VALUATION $289,212.00 $221,270.00 Reason for Correction Property was reviewed for a new deck for the 2023 valuation year.This neighborhood was not part of the 2023 re-valuation and should not have had the new costing tables applied resulting in a clerical error in valuation.The new valuation above reflects the 2022 valuation with the increase applied for the new deck only. 279 Page • Property Valuation Correction Notice Correction a(s) 23-051 Tax Years)Corrected 2023 Date of Correction 8/9/2023 Description of Property 804 Madden Rd Owner Darrell&Marilyn Rowan Parcel ID a 010000834 Tax ID a 40-02036.2 Mailing Address 804 Madden Rd,Hastings,NE 68901 Legal 25-08-L4210.00tOT19U(1LOOruNDcouMA,ctu851.1e-DrVri CURRENT YEAR VALUATION: Current Year Value Corrected Current Year Submitted Value 'ersonai Property Land $25,409.00 $25,409.00 Dwelling $275,053.00 $184,002.00 improvements $0.00 50.00 OTAL VALUATION $300,462.00 $209,411.00 Reason for Correction Property was reviewed for the 2023 valuation year due to a recent sale on the home.This neighborhood was not part of the 2023 re-valuation and should not have had the new costing tables applied resulting in a clerical error in valuation.Therefore,removing the valuation increase given in error. Property Valuation Correction Notice Correction a(s) 23-052 Tax Year(s)Corrected 2023 Date of Correction 8/9/2023 Description of Property 1125 Renee In Owner Christopher&Stacy Bates Parcel ID a 010014174 Tax ID a 284-18754 Mailing Address 1125 Renee Ln,Hastings,NE 68901 Legal 1627.00-LOT 28 HAMSHERS SOUTI SIDE REPIAT CURRENT YEAR VALUATION; Current Year Value Corrected Current Year Submitted Value Personal Property lard $20,218.00 $20,218.00 Dwelling $186,513.00 $95,736.00 Improvements $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL VALUATION $206,731.00 $115,954.00 Reason for Correction Property was protested and owner met with the referee.'The referee recommended no change to the value for 2023,however,upon entering the protest data into our system we noticed that this property was classified as a stick built home instead of a manufactured home due to clerical error. This does have an impact on the valuation for the 2023 year and therefore,we are changing the clerical error to reflect the correct data for the property build. **Adams County;Nebraska--Tax List Correction** Correction a(s)a 15018 Tax Year Corrected 2022 Date of Correction 8/10/2023 Levy of year corrected 2.359137 Owner Travis J&Amber L Patterson Mailing Address 14215 Baltimore Ave,Hastings,NE 68901 Parcel ID a 010008099 Tax ID 8 284-04110.23 Leo 11%.11-LOT 2 ANDERSON a SMITH SECONDA0uIxsTRATIVE PLAT VALUATIONS; Billed Value Correct Value Personal Property 0.00 090 Dwelling $89,718.00 576,582.00 RwMovetneR11iOthetl $0.00 $0.00 Land $38,180.00 $38,180.00 TOTAL VALUATION $127,898.00 $114,762.00 LEVY 2.359137 2359137 TAX TOTAL $3,017.30 $2,707.40 Pusses $0.00 $0.00 aoova.ad E.vnwoun $0.00 $0.00 4edn Appred 4136.32 -$122.32 as Taa C,edn Billed Amount $2,880.98 52,585.08 DIFFERENCE TO TAX ROLL: DEDUCTION TO TAX I ADDITION TO TAX $29590 0 Reason for Correction It was discovered during the 2023 protest process that the 2022 BOE determined valuation during the 2022 protest process was not properly overriden into the system due to clerical error.Therefore,correcting the 2022 valuation to reflect the determination made by the Board of Equalization from$127,898 to$114,762. 280 Page Motion by Neumann, seconded by Stromer to approve the tax list corrections as presented by Russell. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Abstaining: Reams At 10:18 there was a motion by Stromer,seconded by Reams to meet in closed session;to avoid needless harm to the reputation of an individual,to review an appeal to a denied homestead exemption. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None At 10:23 am,there was a motion made by Neumann, seconded by Johnson to exit closed session and resume regular session. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Regular session resumed at 10:23 am. Only a denied homestead appeal was discussed and no action was taken while in closed session. Regular session resumed at 10:23 am. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Reams to deny the homestead appeal heard in closed session. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Adams County Treasurer,Virginia Long,was not available.Adams County Clerk presented motor vehicle exemption applications on her behalf,for Midland Area Agency on Aging and Hastings College.Thomas stated that Long has reviewed an approved the applications and now needs board action. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Stromer to approve motor vehicle exemption applications for Midland Area Agency on Aging and Hastings College. . Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None File with Your Application for Exemption FORM County Treasurer from Motor Vehicle Taxes by Qualifying Nonprofit Organizations 457 •Read Instructions on reverse aide. Name of Organization Tax Year Value of Motor Vehicles Midland Area Agency on Aging 2023 ame of Owner of Property County Name State Where Incorporated Midland Area Agency on Aging Adams Nebraska • Street or Other Mang Address Contact Name Phone Number 2727 W 2nd Street,Suite 440 Casey Muzic 402-483-4565 City State Zip Code Email Address Hastings NE 68901, Casey.Muzic@midlandaaa.net Type of Ownership ❑Agricultural arta Horticultural Society 0 Educational Organization D Religious Organization ff4 Charitable Organization QCemetery Organization Name Title of Officers,Directors,or Partners Address,City,State,Zip Code Charles Neumann Chairman 2727 W 2nd Street,Suite 440 Hastings Nebraska 68901 Roger Weigert Vice Chairman 2727 W 2nd Street,Suite 440 Hastings Nebraska 88901 Lee Hogan Secretary _2727 W 2nd Street,Suite 440 Hastings Nebraska 68901 Description of the Motor Vehicles •Attach an additional sheet,If necessary, Registration Date or Motor Vehicle Make Model Year Body Type Vehicle ID Number Date of Acquisition, if Newly Purchased Kla Rio/LX 2023 4 Door Sedan 3KPA24AD9PE578551 6/2023 Kla Rio 2023 4 Door Hatchback 3KPA25AD2PE597361 7/2023 Rotor Vehicie described above is used in the following exempt category(please mark the applicable boxes): Are the motor vehicles used exclusively D Agricultural and Horticultural Society DEducationat ['Religious ®Charkeble 0 Cemetery as indicated?(see instructions) Give a detailed description of the use or the motor vehicle: YES ONO .,overnment entity providing services to the public. It No,give percentage of exempt use: Urxiarpenalties cl law,I declare that I have examined this exemption application and,to the best of my knowledge and belief,It Is correct and complete. I •edare that I am duly authorized to sign this exemption application. sign , e_ ELCCu?1 W i2>t_.An here'Air 7/31 fatra� A �orize '. :tura Title Da For County Treasurer Recommendation Approval Comments: Denial 4.11b. da AI SlgnattCounty7re�'! 'Mr: � a ur�l )'�� 2811 Page 'A (39) ICCO 13/. 3. Riewiti,Yotx Application for Exemption ."^ v - FORM County1teasurer 1 from Motor Vehicle Taxes by Qualifying Nonprofit Organizations 457 1 •Read Inatmcdone on reverse tide Name of Organization 'fax Year 1...\IN SA".1"PA S C.AUag t, 2.023 Name of Omer o! y County Name Stale Where incorporated 1-leAttir 2 CAla.._ Aclarv,S • t`lc ro,C1Lc` Street orOther tadtang Mddreee ��— Contaot/sterna Phone Number ,o \. TiMv ' A4 C., 1ptck.c� • +•.2..-Li b,/_1733 City Stale Zip Codsµao s IJP (aa`l CI (lnr‘.cecker.el%nt.'if .e c - OAgdouaurai and Hordeulturei Society 0 Educadonai organization 0 Religious Organlza on 0 Charitable Oreenlrndon 0 Cemetery Organization Name TUG of Officers, Address,City,State,Zip Code I Direotors,or Partners . DY_A:lOft L.%cid PfLS:alt Y 11a t'4 1 g he A41. sal i, f' ,,,-.11 1J¢. k..'1i't c- 6rstcA.. ,leMPc 110 t1 -Tvut.v Mi.1 ......-.1.' :. .: -tat, AO.,Ar.t. c)WO,a1 C,Fo 1\o t.l Tuv..rr . t o+.1'...r ' •-moo _ Description of the Motor Vehicles --- •Attach an additional.sheet,If necessary. 1 Aaglatrason Date or • Motor Vehicle Make Model Year 6odyrype Whole IDD Number Data of ;� If Newly Purchased C .t�.a.�Nolcr" TrA4 .— 2-02.1 SCAN \at\e.itw,N!$MS1go812— e13i 'lose) Motor Wide deserted above Is used In the ioaowing exempt category(please mark the appacableboxe): Are the motor vehicles used exclusively 0 Agricultural and Herb/sit/wet Society FeEduoettonal 0 Reagloue O CharMeble 0 Cemetery es tndtoatoda Give a Mali deeodpiion of the use of the motor vehicle: EYES 0N Vehicle will be used by the Hastings College Foundation for fundraising efforts.Vehicle if No,give percentage of exempt use: is used as needed(not daily). _ % Under penapiea of law,I declare chat I have examined Ns exemption appltoaaon and,to the beat of my knowleage and beilef,lila maw and complete. !also de-= am to sign this eaemplion application. sign A C 3 here .,---,,:*. tore - -Elba �---- IFor County,'Deasurer Recommendation — Approval Comments: • 0 Approval of a Portion Cl Denial -• •- • g tae .,T, r �./�(i '� � For Coiunty Board of Equalization Use Only IJ fZ Annmyal ,. ., ,. . . Motion by Stromer, seconded by Patterson to exit Board of Equalization and resume regular session. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Regular session resumed at 10:27 am (see Adams County Board of Commissioners minutes for 8/15/2023) Lee Hogan Ramona R.Thomas Board Chairman Adams County Clerk 282IP < ge